Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Rolling Victory Weekend

Lou Ann with the Baggage Car Boys!

“I hear the train a-comin’, it’s rolling ‘round the bend,” sang Johnny Cash in his “Folsom Prison Blues” song. I love this song and find myself singing it often especially after the Pleasant Lake Variety Show last April. We were all singing the train blues that night! Now I find myself singing it every time I hear the steam engine 765 rolling into town. From my garden, I can hear that whistle coming down the track and with the chugging along comes the black smoke. I always stop what I am doing to listen and to smile. Actually, I do this every time I hear the train whistle, but the past two years even more so with the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society taking hold of northern Indiana.

I don’t know exactly how it happened that Pleasant Lake, Angola and other small towns have been the recipient of this magical experience, but we are not complaining! Train rides feature the ice cream train, the whiskey train, the fall train, the Christmas train and this past weekend, the Rolling Victory Weekend trains.

It was a marvelous experience, and even though I did not ride the train this weekend, I was part of the event on Sunday. Dressing up in my Miss Columbia dress, last day to wear white by the way, I helped greet the trains along with other Pleasant Lake folks. We were there to hand out maps to the Pleasant Lake Museum and welcome them to town. When I had the chance, I told my story as my costume was a WWI costume complete with the American flag. I said to several folks, “Don’t worry we won the last war, we will win this one!” Of course, I was referring to the WWII reenactments going on all weekend as part of the Rolling Victory train.

As folks clamored off the train one by one, I was certainly in awe of some of the costumes. Some folks went all out including hats, shoes, dresses, suits, purses and much more as they got into the vintage victory experience. Children were sporting suspenders and hats. I took lots of photos of these families and thanked them for getting into the spirit. It certainly makes it much more fun. As a word of advice, start looking around for these fun clothes and accessories for your next train experience!

Pleasant Lake welcomed the “travelers” with food stands and even ice cream from Scoops! Between trains, railroad folks sat around chatting in their vintage uniforms as well. A few soldiers were walking around with their gear. It was easy to find myself back in time for this event. As I was sitting with Carolyn and our new friend, Sharon, the band, The Baggage Car Boys, were set up and started playing. I immediately was in love with their music. They were playing a lot of blues and jazz, popular songs from the forties as all big bands were doing at that time. They also played for the Saturday night dance. I went over and took a video and chatted with the three of them for a while. They asked if they could have a photo with me. “Sure,” I said. I never turn a photo op down!! Afterwards I just hung around listening until the next train arrived.

The Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society have taken us all by surprise. I remember hearing the rumor that this might happen a few years ago, but perhaps we needed it to actually happen, and it did. As I sat around the old depot in Pleasant Lake with the train roaring in and the folks in costumes, I felt the excitement much as folks must have years ago when the train came into town. The train brought visiting folks, servicemen, groceries, letters, dry goods, cattle…well, everything. Meeting the train and telling stories while waiting must have been a wonderful town event.

I am so enamored with the whole process that I joined the society. It wasn’t much really, $50 for a single membership. My money will go for train repairs and other necessities of the new adventure. I also am now on the list for volunteers and helping out when I can. I am not sure I would be much help in restoring the trains, but I sure can tell the stories.

We are blessed to have these events in our town and surrounding towns. As Johnny Cash said, “I’d let that lonesome whistle blow my blues away.”

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dog Days of Summer


I guess I was wrong about the Dog Days of summer as they are here! The cool weather was nice while it lasted, and be assured, it will return. As for this week, if you have air-conditioning, you are in luck! I prefer not to use the air-conditioning, but this week is definitely an exception.

So, why do we call these days the Dog Days of summer? Let’s look into history for a few moments. In Ancient Greece and Rome, these hot days of August came bringing drought and bad luck for men and for dogs! This also coincides with the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star and the brightest star in the night sky. Some say it is so bright it can be seen in the daytime! In ancient days, the rising of Sirius during the late summer, combined with the heat causes these Dog Days. It is also interesting to note that Sirius is 25 times brighter than the sun and 8.6 lights years away from the Earth. For those of you who just have to know, in ancient Egypt, Sirius meant scorching or sparkling! Rise early in the morning, take your coffee out to the stoop and look for Sirius in the southeastern sky before daybreak. It will definitely be much cooler sitting outside at daybreak!

The end of August brings so much to mind. It seems as if the month just started and here, we are in the last few days. This past weekend was absolutely full of end of August events, and I tried not to miss any of them! Let’s chat about Friday night football. Yes, I said football. I get involved with sports when my ids or now grandkids are involved, of course! This is Graham’s sophomore year at Angola High School, and he was able to play for a few moments on Friday night. I think I truly have forgotten how fun it is to attend the high school football games! Friday night was perfect! The stands were full, the players looked great and kudos to the marching band for all their hard work. We lost the game to Dekalb (congrats to them), but it was still a wonderful evening sitting with family and friends and ringing the cowbell. Yes, I was the one with the cowbell.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I mean back at Commons, Tabitha and her park board team hosted another night of music in the park. On any other night I would have been there, but I know so many of you attended and what a great night for that. Meanwhile…music at the Furth and the Gala at the Heritage Club. If anyone ever wonders what we do in this little town, well, there is really no way to explain all of it. On Saturday Trine hosted the Trine Fest downtown, and it was full of community members and students. Everywhere I went I met up with my lovely students buying coffee at Caleo or special items at Elemento!

Meanwhile…my neighborhood hosted another potluck! We have one every month and they move around. I would love to talk to anyone about how to make this happen. Each month 40-50 neighbors gather to share each other’s cooking and stories. This month everyone was asked to bring something for the Blessing Box at the Episcopal Church. Since our potluck was across the street at Michael Eyster’s, Nate walked the children over to put the items in the box. I had to laugh as I watched him lead the way as a Pied Piper.

My weekend ended with a visit to Elten and Carolyn’s prairie. Once a year they give tours of their prairie, and it was Sunday. It was a perfect day to coast along in the golf cart listening to Carolyn’s stories about each plant. The weekend ended at 6 on James to celebrate the come-back music of Mike Dougherty. This was a very special event, and it was a packed house with friends and family coming to hear Mike play. He played beautifully to the delight of everyone, and the standing ovation was enough to prove it. Mike thanked everyone for coming and when I was leaving, he said to me, “The music community has been wonderful. They mow my grass, bring food, and cheer me on!”

I thought about that on the way home. Isn’t that our job? To cheer each other on?

My friends, the Dog Days are here. Stay cool, celebrate and be kind.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Catch a Falling Star...


August 12, 2024

The note came in the afternoon. It was simple. “Do you want to go out to Fred Wooley’s to watch the meteors tonight?” Do I want to go to the meteor showers? Of course, I do! I send back my affirmation and wait for the reply. The caravan, okay, just one car, would be picking me up at 11:25. I gather all of the needed equipment…my chair, flashlight and sweatshirt as these mid-August days have showered us with not only meteors, but spectacular weather.

I have always loved the Perseid Meteor showers. I have such a fascination with the sky. There is also a personal reason for loving these showers. My twin sons, Adam and Aaron, were born during the Perseid Meteor showers. When we were all living at the farm, their birthday night was spent watching the showers. I filled a thermos with hot chocolate and spread the blankets out under the stars for our birthday viewing. All of us on the blanket watching the sky waiting, waiting for shooting stars was a great adventure! “Choose one for your birthday present.” Sometimes the sky was full, but other times we would just wait and wait, and the boys would beg to go to bed! Years later we spent the evening at Pokagon listening to star stories and viewing the magnificent sky with the telescopes all set up. Now that they are grown up and gone, I still remind them to go watch the meteor showers. Sometimes birthday gifts do not come wrapped up in ribbons.  

What are the Perseid showers? First of all, these brilliant fireballs are actually leftover pieces from comets and broken asteroids. In 1862 it was Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle who made the discovery of these showers. In 1865 Giovanni Schiaparelli was the first to notice these meteors were coming from the Perseus constellation. Although, to be clear, the constellation has nothing to do with the showers, just the location. All we really need to know is that the first two weeks of August are dedicated to the Perseids, and I love that.

At 11:25 Hope Wilson picks me up. We put my chair in the back and head off to pick up our friend, Jan Mccauley. It is dark and on the back roads of Fremont, it feels as if we have entered another country. Critters scamper across the road…deer, raccoons, opossums. Jan puts her chair in the back, and we chat and laugh all the way to Fred’s house in the country. He is waiting for us with chairs already set up. It is dark except for his garage lights which he shuts off after we get situated. Once the lights are off and we are ready, Fred shares his sky knowledge with us by pointing out the Summer Triangle which literally glistens in the dark sky. He points out other summer constellations as we literally ooh and ahh over the beauty. Because it is so dark, we are able to clearly see the vast Milky Way. There is much chatter, but there is also silence as we each in our own way let the dark night seep into our souls for the complete beauty of the evening. It is cold though, so Fred goes in and brings out lovely woolen blankets which we gladly accept. We are completely absorbed by the sky. Each meteor finds us exclaiming loudly. We don’t all see each one as there is a lot of sky to admire. There are a few fireballs which streak across the night sky leaving us a bit breathless. We stay until 2:00 and then decide to call it a night. We figured, between all of us, we probably saw 25 or more meteors! We thank Fred for his kindness, his stories, and his blankets before we head back out into the quiet night. Hope actually put the heat on in the car!

Driving home, we watch for deer and opossums and talk about the night. What words do I have for that? Magical? Beautiful? Spectacular? Yes, to all three! Sleep comes easy, of course, and maybe my dreams are full of Van Gogh. Maybe.

Shooting stars, meteor showers are all free for the taking. They are still happening tonight. I will watch again in my own backyard thinking about my sons’ birthdays and days of yore. In the meantime, go outside with your chair and your blanket, and don’t forget to “catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.”

Sunday, August 11, 2024

LaGrange County Drama Camp!!


I have this recurring dream before a show. It can be any show…one I am in or directing. So, last week, the dream came to me again. In the dream the curtain opens, and the cast looks great, but no one knows any lines! In other words, there was no play! In the dream everyone looks at me wondering what to do, and I have no idea.

Luckily this is just a dream, and somehow there is a show. This past week I had the pleasure of directing a show for LCYC. This is my tenth year working with them on summer productions. This year we had a record number of 36 students coming to camp. My usual number is just 15 so it took a lot of extra planning to make this happen for the students. Our youngest was six and the oldest was seventeen. When we sat in our circle on the first day, I just could not believe my eyes to have all these kids in one circle and wondering, how in the world will we have a show???

The scripts are not handed out until the afternoon of the first day. Auditions happen the second day. I tried to make it clear that the auditions were for the “older actors,” but for some reason, everyone auditioned for the show. The auditions took two full hours with several of the younger actors needing help reading the script. We were patient. Everyone was patient. I think the best thing that happened during this process was how the students all respected each other, helped each other, and sat patiently for two hours clapping for each one.

Actually, I was proud of all of the students for auditioning. If you have never done this before, it is a scary thing to stand on a stage and read lines knowing the directors are watching and listening carefully. For children, this is scary also. Several of them told me their heart was racing, and one of young actors came off the stage sobbing because it was so hard, and he was so scared. I had to send him out with Asher, my high school helper. Eventually he came back and was fine.

When we knew we had so many kids, I was able to hire to other directors to help me out. Trine students, Allison and Muriel were so much help along with all the other helpers. Jennifer Martin makes sure everything is taken care of perfectly. She and others cooked for the students, and the helpers, every single day. By the time lunch rolled around every day, we were all really hungry!

Auditions are finally over, and I announce the cast. Muriel and Allison split up the other young actors and take them to work on their scripts for their show and many art projects!

By Tuesday we are ready to start rehearsing. We meet in our circle, I welcome everyone back (and everyone did come back!), and then we split into groups. The students all eat lunch together and then back to work. On Wednesday we have a costume meeting, and everyone takes notes and helps each other. No black shoes for one actor? No worry, someone has them! No jeans for another? I got that covered at Goodwill. I also search my personal costume department and fill Lola with costumes and props.

Friday is “No Script Friday.” Actually, most of my actors had the whole show memorized by Thursday. How do they do it?? Friday night is the show with 193 folks coming to watch. It was a great attendance, and they filled the entire area.

During all of this, I have my lovely granddaughters with me. Both of them are in the show. Our days are theatre, our evenings are theatre as we run lines, our conversation is the show.

They were all wonderful on Friday night with a standing ovation. Flowers. Autographs. Happy thespians. I did keep hearing, “Maggie, what’s our next show?” I am addicted to this theatre, so I have already started working on the next production.

I think, besides watching them work together, my favorite part was having family all come to support the girls. Adam flew up from St. Pete, Abe came from Charleston. Aaron and Rachel’s family came.

It is so critical that our schools, and our community provide and showcase our young people in all of the arts. We know the arts keeps kids in school so let’s keep it going!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Coming home...


I took this photo a few years ago at the Balloon Festival.

A long day at the airports on July 3rd gave way to a late twilight flight out of Minneapolis. Even though it was delayed, and we were all anxious to make the trip, it was absolutely beautiful. We flew into the sun, so to speak, and it set behind us with the most beautiful sunset possible. By the time we crossed Lake Michigan, it was dark and because we were in a small plane, we could clearly see the ground. Pockets of fireworks exploded as we flew over small towns. It was a brilliant display of color and very joyous. I talked to the pilots afterward, and they both said it was one of their favorite flights! I had to agree.

With the Fourth of July now in the photo albums, we move into the heart of summer. For me, it is time to be back home and edge myself back into adult life. I miss the kids, and we had the best time, but now time to get back involved with my community and my Indiana family. Yes, as John Denver once saying, it’s good to be back home again.

This week of July brings back the heat, the brilliant sky and Angola’s finest Balloon Festival second only to Albuquerque or so I say! Let’s start with the heat of the day inside a July day in Indiana. James Whitcomb Riley, Indiana’s favorite poet was known as the “Hoosier Poet” and also the “Children’s Poet.” Riley left us with a thousand poems which he wrote and performed in his lifetime. One of my favorite summer poems is, “The Old Swimmin’ Hole.” I think the poem depicts an innocent time for children, and well, for adults too. I guess maybe we could say the good old days. Maybe.

July days bring on the heat which is a must for our gardens! Mine seems to be off to a slow start and maybe that is due from being gone two weeks and letting the weeds dance their way merrily among the flowers and vegetables. A few afternoons of work, and I should be all caught up! Those of you in cottages around the lake live for the month of July. I did too as a teenager. I loved coming up to Lake James learning to ski or go out on the boat to watch the fireworks. Since I am a townie, my fireworks were at the Commons. They were brilliant this year, as was the evening show in my garden with the fireflies. I was watching them last night and lamenting the fact that my Littles were not here to capture them and wonder at their beauty. (No, we did not keep them in jars over night although Noah did try to sneak one into the house!)

The summer night sky boasts a waxing crescent moon passing right through the bright star, Regulus, from the constellation, Leo the Lion. I love watching the moon glide above us and the crescent moons have the early night sky to themselves. Take the time to go outside after dark and prepare to just be amazed.

Now that I am back home, the calendar appears to be filling up with all sorts of events and activities. I love them all from Writer’s group to Ukulele Club. This weekend boasts an amazing event in our town, Angola Balloons Aloft. In a few days the skies will be full of hot air balloons traveling all over the county. I love following them in my Jeep! A few years ago, I had the awesome opportunity to fly in one of the crowd’s favorites, the Dragon. I even had a t-shirt made for me that said, “There is no place like home.” The morning was bright and clear as I climbed into the basket. It was thrilling and horrifying at the same time. I was supposed to take photos and some film footage for KPC, but mostly I just hung on the edge of the basket! This weekend will bring events to the high school along with the balloons. Don’t miss this!

Summer is here…strong and hot. Be on the lookout for huge zucchinis which somehow show up unannounced on our porches! Our gardens are growing, the kids are at camp or at the lake. We are blessed to live here.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

The Hurricane and other Sundry Items...


The dining room table is full of Go Fish and Old Maid cards. The playroom is full of toys and books litter all the end tables. The fireplace mantel hosts artwork of Kahlo, Monet and Van Gogh (all done by the seven-year-old twins!), and the refrigerator is full. Yes, it is my week to watch all four of Abe’s kids as he and Kristin take off for their yearly trip.

I gear up every summer when I know I have the Littles, then all of them, and then later in the summer, the older two girls fly to Indiana for Drama Camp. This week has been different as I usually watch the four of them in the purple house where Lola, my Jeep, takes us anywhere we want to go, and I have all my resources at my fingertips. Sometimes I watch them at their beach house which is so much fun. I can drive there as there is no traffic and a tiny grocery store on Oak Island plus a movie theatre. Here, in Charleston, it is very different, and it is hot. So, except for a few trips to the library or art camp or to the pool, we live in our self-serving cocoon…me and the four kids.

They are entertaining and fun, and with the different ages, there is always a different activity from movies of Pokémon to the grown-up movies after the twins go to bed. But for the most part, we are all together…all day long.

This time, Abe and Kristin went to Barbados. They chose a new place every summer to get away and relax for a week before coming back recharged and ready to take over again. We make my flight home on July 3rd because we all know I need to be in my town for the Fourth of July. Of course, this has meant I miss the Philharmonic in the park and the Americana event, but it can’t be helped. “As long as I home by the Fourth of July,” I say, “all will be well.” This will be the first party at Aaron and Rachel’s new farm, and I sure don’t want to miss that!

Alas. Alas. Things happen. Things always happen. This time it is an early, unexpected hurricane bearing down on Barbados as I write. I didn’t pay much attention at the beginning as it was just a tropical depression. These things pop up all the time, don’t they? It wasn’t until Friday that I realized it had the potential to become a hurricane and by Saturday, it turned into one. Abe was able to ring us for a few moments to tell us they would be staying as their hotel was strong, even though it was right on the beach and the shelling would be great the next day before they head out. I do not think they realized this would become a category 4 hurricane on a small island.

I don’t keep the news from the kids, as they need to know some of this. “How exciting,” I tell them, “To be in a hurricane! It is like a big party.” They look at time with inquisitive eyes about the party thing. I tell them about the hurricanes on Ocracoke Island and what it was like. The best part of those hurricanes was that the visitors were all asked to just drive away and leave the locals to face the weather and then the clean up afterwards. I know also about the tourism aspect of hurricanes. The quicker the storekeepers can get the clean-up done, the quicker these islands (or towns) can get back into business. On Ocracoke, there was always so much clean up, which was especially difficult when the power was out. We were hot and sticky and definitely grateful for the Red Cross to show up.

As far as Barbados, I don’t really know. What is their infrastructure like? How strong is the airport and the runways? Will they get home in time? Will I make it to the parade and parties on the Fourth? I must plan accordingly too. How will I make that day fun for the kids without really knowing what or where to go to celebrate?

I know we will be fine. I will find sparklers and we will take a blanket to the back yard and watch for local fireworks, if this happens.

In the meantime, Go Fish, movies, stories and lots of chocolate will get us through!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Fireflies in the garden...


Staying up late is a complete joy for children. How exciting to spend time outside in the garden after dark in your pajamas! Of course, it stays light quite late, so a warning comes with staying up til dark!

That is exactly what we have been doing. I try to get them to listen to the sounds of nature, the sounds of quiet, the sounds of twilight. Even though I live in town, my backyard is a cacophony of nighttime sounds. Birds singing their good night sounds, doves cooing, the very first sound of a distant owl, and even the train which rumbles through my neighborhood on regular occasions. We love all of these sounds.

I want them to see the beauty of the night as we watch the twilight deepen to dark, the shadows disappear in lieu of the sun’s farewell, the rising of the almost full moon, and, of course, the time-honored fireflies. I often worry about the future of fireflies as forests and meadows face more destruction than ever. However, I am not here to chat about the forests (although we should all be very concerned), I am here to spread the tidings of great joy as summer comes roaring in this week. I do mean roaring in with the high temperatures. I am loathe to turn on my air, but alas, alas here we are with it humming away. I am grateful to have it, but oh how I miss my windows wide open with the sounds of summer seeping in through the screens.

The heat is arriving right on time as we celebrate the arrival of summer on Thursday, June 20 at 4:50 p.m. This, of course, is the Summer Solstice and one of my very favorite holidays, should one call it that. The Solstice is celebrated as a big holiday is most of England, Scotland, and Wales with bonfires and parades and everyone (most everyone!) off of work to celebrate. For us, in the United States, we don’t usually think about the Solstice.

If you have been a regular reader over the years, you know how much I love this day. I will be celebrating with the neighbors this year for our June potluck as we kick off the summer season. I love my neighborhood so much, and I love the gatherings we have come to share. On Thursday we will gather at my house with the table full of food, the yard full of kids, driveway full of music, and the lovely introduction by Nate Simons that sets off our summer!

Following the beautiful heat-driven Solstice, the June full moon will appear on Friday night. This month’s full moon is the strawberry moon named for strawberry season. The strawberries have been beautiful this month, although I see the patches waning a bit! Nonetheless, the beautiful full moon will shine down upon us on Friday night at 9:07. It is interesting to note that the Solstice and the June full moon only coincide with each other every 20 years or so. Some of you might know what I mean…we better take full advantage of this beauty.

Let’s go back to the joy of the fireflies. I saw my first one about ten days ago, and I was thrilled that they would be shining brightly with the twins still here. It is magic, don’t you think? I mean, looking out into the dark gardens and seeing their lights flicker makes me love summer. But what are they really? Fireflies are actually beetles. They have organs under their abdomen which light up, and this is called bioluminescence! Their beautiful blinking patterns are really a signal to other fireflies. This light actually means “come hither!” Fireflies live about 60 days, so we have two months to enjoy their beauty. There are over 2,000 species of fireflies. Adults tend to eat, on occasion, other fireflies, but usually they feed on nectar or pollen, or they do not eat at all. It is good to have a little scientific knowledge, but most of all, go outside after dark and just sit and enjoy.

Summer is almost here. We feel it in the heat. We hear it in the night sounds and the beginning of firecrackers in the distance. We see our gardens steadily growing. We watch children playing in the water or catching fireflies or lighting the sparklers of the season.

Whatever you do, do not miss out on the joys…even with the heat!

Until next week from Charleston

Rolling Victory Weekend

Lou Ann with the Baggage Car Boys! “I hear the train a-comin’, it’s rolling ‘round the bend,” sang Johnny Cash in his “Folsom Prison Blues” ...