Thursday, March 20, 2025

Plein Air painting is alive and well!


My cousin, Eric Rhoads. 

The air was quite electric as folks streamed in and out of the Steuben Art Scene on Sunday. I knew I wanted to attend after the concert by the Trine University Wind Ensemble at the T. Furth. The concert, too, was full of attendees on Sunday’s warm afternoon. Dr. Brad Jopek really showed us his talent in bringing quality music to our lives with “Music from the Silver Screen.”

After chatting with students and parents of students, I meandered over to the Steuben Arts Scene open house. Much to my surprise the corner square was alive and well! It has been great fun watching this new enterprise take shape over the past couple of years. We have needed this in our town for many years, and now that it is here, we are so excited to be a part of it.

If you ever thought of working on your art, whatever form that may include, this is your home base. Classes of every sort are available, and now that the secret is out, they fill up fast. Last summer when the twins were visiting, I enrolled them in art classes, and they loved it.

On Sunday folks chatted about art, sampled lovely appetizers, and even took an art class! I was drawn into the talk given by Doug Runyon. Doug was set up in the corner surrounded by books and paintings. At the appropriate time he shared his love of art through the works of photographer, Frank Hohenberger. Frank spent 44 years of his life, 1904-1948, taking photos of folks in Brown County. During that time artists were traveling to Brown County to paint the landscape. One of those first artists was T.C. Steele. Frank decided he wanted to see what was going on in Brown County so he packed up and went to see for himself. Needless to say, he never returned, but made his career photographing the folks, not the landscape.

Doug gave an amazing talk bringing to life Frank’s work. Doug talked about how difficult it was to get to Brown County at the time. I was fascinated by his talk remembering all that I had learned during my year long study of T.C. Steele for the bicentennial. Being an artist at that time meant dragging all of the heavy equipment out to the people and gaining their trust for their work.

Because I like to connect the dots, I also brought into my own conversation the work of Gene Stratton Porter who carried her own equipment to the woods to photograph nature and eventually paint the flora and fauna of Indiana.

As I did connect the dots between Steele, and Porter, and Hohenberger, I caught myself wondering where my cousin, Eric Rhoads, fit into this equation. Following Doug’s presentation I had to chat with him. I introduced myself and thanked him for the wonderful talk. I did not know of the work of Hohenberger, so I loved learning as much as I could. I chatted with Doug about T.C. Steele and told him how Steele was my bicentennial character that I brought to life. That work premiered in Indianapolis and then down in the studio in Brown County. Studying Steele and that period of history was so informative to me. It was the backdrop for Sunday’s lecture.

I told Doug that my cousin, Eric Rhoads, was the publisher and editor of Plein Air Magazine. By the look on his face, I could tell he was quite interested. As we talked about my cousin, Doug honored me by telling me he thought Rick was the biggest influencer of bringing back the plein air movement. Rick has dedicated his life to plein air painting by his own work and by taking groups to Cuba, Africa, New Zealand, Russia…just to name a few places. His goal was to have a million painters. Not only does he produce a magazine, but he does a daily podcast inviting folks from around the world to join him and promote this artistic movement.

I am thrilled at the success of the Steuben Arts Scene. It was brought to life by the vision of Vicki Thompson who wanted to expand art to the folks in our part of Indiana. After Sunday’s full house, I will say that she is doing just that.

If you are interested in taking any type of class, stop in and register! We are fortunate here in northern Indiana.

Congratulations, Steuben Arts Scene. We are so glad you are here!

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