Thursday, March 20, 2025

Still baffled by time change!


For some reason the time change always confuses me. Why? I don’t know. Is it 6:30 or really 5:30 or maybe even 7:30? I never even change my clocks until I am sure. (As of this writing, I have not changed my clocks so maybe I will be on time or very early or miss the whole event?)

I had a flight home on Sunday, March 10 at 5:06 a.m. from the Charleston Airport. First of all, who flies that early? I guess I do. So, on Saturday night Abe and I discussed what time we should be leaving for the airport to be there by 3 or 3:30. I like to get there early, but Abe said, “You really don’t have to be there until 3:30 because no one will be there and maybe the airport won’t even be open.” We checked. It would be open. Okay, well, then I asked him, “What time do we need to leave????” We agreed on 3:00 which would get me there by 3:30 or would it be 2:30 or 4:30? I set my alarm clock for 2:30.

At 3:00 Abe came into my room, and I was still sound asleep. I am always packed and ready when he comes upstairs to grab my bag. “Mom, wake up. You have a flight, and it’s 3:00.” I was completely in a fog, and I didn’t even know what he was talking about. It was that very deep, dead sleep. “What??” I couldn’t comprehend until I told him it can’t be because my alarm didn’t go off.

He continued to say, “There is no 2:30 a.m. It doesn’t exist. Your alarm can’t go off.” Okay, that was enough to wake me up. What? “What do you mean there is no 2:30? How can there be no 2:30??” I told you the time change really does me in.

I tell you, I never got ready so fast for a flight. I knew I couldn’t miss it as I had our first rehearsal after spring break that night. I made a big deal out of being back on time…including me! He came back up to grab my suitcase and I was hoping I had everything. After we got in the car, I couldn’t let it go. “What do you mean there is no 2:30? Where is it? Where did it go?” He continued to tell me there was only 1:59 and 3:00, but nothing in between. He tried to change the subject, but I couldn’t do it. Where did 2:30 go? It just vanishes? Did everyone know this but me?

Finally, to his luck, we got to the airport which was almost empty because it was 3:30 or something like that. The young woman at the counter was yawning as I stepped up with my bag. I had to ask. I mean, now it was a burning question. “Did you know that there is no 2:30 on the spring time change?” She nodded. She knew. I didn’t know. She laughed and said that so many passengers miss that early flight because of the confusion.

I got to my gate with a dozen other folks with that same hollow look in their eyes. I took a poll. Half knew and half did not. I felt a little better knowing I wasn’t the only one. As we were chatting about the fact that 2:30 does not exist, one of our pilots walked by with a large coffee in each hand. That was totally reassuring. When we were all on the aircraft, he made a joke which helped. He was awake enough to make a joke. Then as we starting to taxi down the runway, we had to stop as a herd of deer (seriously?) made their headquarters on the runway. That was a new one for me. It took close to a half hour to get them all off the runway and back into the woods. Finally, we left Charleston.

I am still a bit confused, but luckily, I won’t have to worry about it for another year. In the meantime, I thought of Carl Sandburg’s poem, “Arithmetic.”

“If you have two animal crackers, one good and one bad, and you eat one
    and a striped zebra with streaks all over him eats the other,
    how many animal crackers will you have if somebody offers you
    five six seven and you say No no no and you say Nay nay nay
    and you say Nix nix nix?”

Carl Sandburg

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