Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pop's Weiner Shop and Wax Lips

On Friday afternoon Jonah and I took a field trip down into our small was fun to be back visiting the shops and my friends after my summer on the Island.

We had 'coffee' at Rachael's, bought candles at Tracy's, and just strolled the walks visiting. We were, of course, curious about the new shop, Pop's Weiner Stand. The store is just wonderful. We strolled in and enjoyed all the art work from the 50's including Betty Boop and 57 Chevy's! The floor is a great linoleum from the 50's as well with black and white checks. We sat on the stools and swirled around while visiting with Greg, the new shop keeper.

We ordered coney dogs and Orange crush off the menu! It was a great lunch and very inexpensive. After lunch Jonah used his pocket money to buy penny candy, that is now a nickel, and I bought the red wax lips. I had to lift him up to the mirror so he could see how he looked!

We bid farewell to Greg and visited several other shops in which Jonah would not take off the lips! He was the town entertainer for the afternoon. By the time we got home, they were soggy and he just chewed them up!

Lou Ann Homan

Lou Ann Homan is a storyteller, teacher, writer, and dreamer of dreams. She can be found writing late into the night under the light of her red scarlet lamp in Indiana or in the wee small cottage on Ocracoke Island.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Friday night at 5:00, I drove to spend the week end in Indianapolis with Ellen and a few other friends to attend the Fringe Festival.

I was not disappointed.

We started out Friday night watching All About Eve, an old black and white movie (filmed sometime in the 50's). We sat outside on the canal in downtown Indy with a large screen on the lawn. We drank wine, ate popcorn, and spent a lovely evening watching a movie and the sky grow dark with evening stars.

By Saturday morning, Ellen and I were downtown for a fairy tale workshop and perusing the schedule for the Fringe Festival. We parked the car for the day, and walked up and down Massachusetts Avenue watching shows, having lunch (and dinner as well.) We were still enjoying the evening and attended the 10:30 show by storyteller friends of ours from Minneapolis. It was a great way to end the evening, although we did find a late night bar to rehash the show and more stories..always stories.

Sunday we were back at the Fringe and enjoying all of the events.

I drove back late Sunday afternoon and was greeted by a bat which had just been waiting for me!

If you get the chance, the fringe is still going on through Sunday...maybe next year I will have my own show there!

Lou Ann Homan

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

This week end was just wonderful as my sisters and brothers surprised our parents with our visits and with a lovely anniversary party! The airport was busy with our arrivals and it was so fun to watch Mom and Dad's reactions as we one by one settled into their Texan home!
The party was full of friends and laughter, and we ended this week end with tears and airport runs. It is difficult to have families spread all over the globe, but when we are together, time stands still. My Dad summed it up beautifully when he came into the kitchen on Sunday morning. He said, "How wonderful to wake up to hear my daughters laughing in the kitchen."

Getting ready to say good bye!

Just like it was 60 years ago!

The food and cake were delicious!

Three proud and happy daughters!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Adam and Aaron...

Today is the birthday of my twin sons.

I cannot believe they are grown up and well, kind of old! I so remember the day they were born, every moment of that day that they were born. First of all, I didn't know twins were coming, or should I say no one else believed me, I knew it all along! Didn't know they were boys either!

It was the happiest day of my entire life with only the birth of Abe to match it. I loved those days. I look back over their childhood as my happiest, sweetest days. There are times I would like to go back and visit those read to them, watch the stars come out with them, tuck them in at night. Life is so short..enjoy each moment.

Happy Birthday my sons!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I drove through the Blue Ridge Mountains on the Parkway, going out of my way to enjoy this absolutely breathtaking ride. At one point I stopped, pulled out my guitar and played Country Roads by John Denver. I have always wanted to do that!!

I drove into Gatlinburg and found my way to the cabin that I shared with four other storytelling buddies. The cabin had a wonderful huge screened in porch that became the late night storytelling location. Our conversation was accompanied each evening by the late night frogs that sang in great harmony!

The workshop went well, three hours goes by quickly when you have a lot to say, and I did!!

We said our good byes late Saturday night, as I was up before sunrise on Sunday making my journey back to Indiana. It was beautiful watching the sun rise in the mountains as I drove North. The day was spectacular with cool weather and bright blue skies.

I arrived home by 5:30 to the waiting arms of Matthew and Jonah. I was so happy to see them. Karen had dinner waiting..fresh blueberry pie, homemade mashed potatoes, chicken on the was so delicious.

Have finished the clothes part of unpacking, I think the other 'stuff' will take longer.

The trees are green and refreshing after sand and salt. It will take a while, but I will soon become a Hoosier once again.

Lou Ann

Thursday, August 07, 2008


I left Philip at 6 a.m. yesterday morning. My car was/is packed to the brim with summer clothes, my guitar, books, camera, laptop...salt, sand, memories. Philip had also put a pink rose (from his birthday bouquet) into a jar and placed it in the cup holder. It was all I could do to pull away and leave him standing in the early morning mist.

The good news is that the Jeep is actually running after it's long hiatus. The bad news? It sat all summer under a shady tree and the branches were stuck in my windows and the cascading oleander flowers left imprints all over the car. Not really a big deal, the Jeep is old. I really meant to fix the air conditioning, but somehow between all the activities and love of the summer, I just didn't do it. (Yesterday central North Carolina broke the heat record!!)

I read across on the almost three hour ferry ride, then drove through small towns and farmland until I hit the main highway. It was an easy drive, but stopped just short of Asheville for the night. I found a lovely Holiday Inn in Hickory, North Carolina complete with an attached YMCA. I did work out and then had dinner. I made sure I was busy so I wouldn't dwell all night on the fact that I wasn't taking tickets or working in the Opry wuth Philip. We always do our radio show on Wednesday evening!

Today my drive takes me through the Blue Ridge Parkway and then to Gatlinburg. Ellen and I are presenting our standards workshop at the National Storytelling Conference. We should have a lot of fun sharing our work (from two years ago!) with teachers from all over. We have a cabin in the mountains, and the weather sounds delightful there! I will cherish some cool air after a hot summer!

So, I am a long way from home, wherever that is...Indiana...Ocracoke...sigh.

There is always something to miss.

Love to all,
Lou Ann

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Going Home...

It doesn't seem possible that my summer visit at Ocracoke is over. It seems as if I just got here and had all these lovely sun drenched days ahead of me. But my Jeep is packed and I have been saying good bye even though I have been trying to lead a normal life with regular activities this past week.

The Women's Opry show was a huge success on Saturday night with a sold out house. The women were phenomenal and I will never forget the magic of that evening.

It was also Philip and Lachlan's birthday and a visit from Uncle Buddy.

The days just fill up here with events.

It has been wonderful golden summer. I know that it will be so difficult to pull onto that ferry early in the morning. I will miss Philip so much, I can't imagine living without him in the next few months.

My travels will be taking me to Gatlinburg and then on home to Indiana. So, farewell for now...

Lou ann

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...