Wednesday, October 01, 2014

The Battle of the Crater Comes to Angola, Indiana

Last weekend my community celebrated Autumn in Angola. It was a great weekend with events on the square and up at Commons Park. For the past several years the hills in the park have been dotted with the tents of the Union and Confederate soldiers. They bring their household goods, water barrels, horses, appropriate clothing and everything else to make it seem as if the Civil War has descended upon the town.

My favorite time to visit is in the late evening with campfires burning and lit candles at the campsites. I took this photo on Friday night late when I was invited in to a campsite.

Exploring one of the living quarters late at night.

President Abraham Lincoln arriving in town.

Soldiers guarding the President.

The drummer and bugle boy preparing for battle.

After my first round of storytelling on the square I headed up to the pavilion for a Civil War funeral and a ladies that order!

The funeral.

A Civil War woman at the funeral.

Before the Battle of the Crater on Sunday, the Auburn Community Band performed. I took this video of the band. I love the fields in the background and the roar of the cannons as they played. Enjoy.

Thank you for taking this mini tour with me. It was an entire weekend from beginning to end, but I wanted to just show a few highlights.

Until tomorrow.

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