Sunday, April 01, 2012

Click here for this week's column on the trip to Notre Dame with Mengting. Enjoy!

Mengting and I just spent the weekend at The University of Notre Dame. She is considering it for her PhD. I hope you enjoy the story! As always, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Here are a few photos I took on the Notre Dame Campus.

One of the first Saints, sorry I don't know his name!

Mengting dancing her away across the campus.

In front of the undergraduate building. This golden dome can be seen while flying over South Bend.
We went through it in the early evening whispering. It was built in 1892.

This is a statue of Jesus inviting all to come to him.

The redbud trees were magnificent.

A huge statue of Moses outside of the library. I believe he is saying, "Let my people go!"

This art is the symbol for peace in the world. It is stunning from all sides and very moving to the soul.

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