Monday, August 02, 2010

A day for sweetness and sighing....

Dear Folks,

Today is Philip's birthday, along with his grandson, Lachlan. They love sharing this day together. We have had pot lucks and family dinners to celebrate and today Philip's brother and wife are coming for lunch.

Lachlan is getting a new/used bike and I bought Philip an afternoon cleaning of his wonderful house. (No, I am not the one cleaning!)

After partying and lunch, Bud and Jamie will take me home with them to Norfolk to spend the night as I have an early morning flight back to the Heartland in the morning.

I can't believe my summer on Ocracoke is ending. It has been so wonderful, so magical, so healing for me!

It is definitely bittersweet with salty tears mixed in.

Here is a picture of Philip on his birthday. His friend, Rob Temple, had this hat made..Captain Philip. (Philip restored his dad's North Carolina skiff this past spring. I am afraid we have not heard the end of Captain Philip.

 Happy Birthday to Philip. My next post will be back home again in Indiana.
  Lou Ann

1 comment:

Michael said...

You gotta love the sign and arrow on the wall above the Captain's head -- THIS WAY OUT. As we get older, sometimes we forget where we . . . . . duh.