Thursday, July 29, 2010

Belly Dancing Class

Today I wanted to tell you about an activity on Ocracoke that many of you might have missed when you were here this summer. Among the normal swimming, kayaking, beach-combing, biking, moon watching...there is (well has been) belly dancing.
I saw the homemade sign at the Community Store in the middle of June announcing free belly dancing classes at the Community Center. This seductive poster featured art caricatures of two belly dancers that looked well...that looked great! I have been wanting to get my waist back to 17 inches (OK, just kidding) so I thought it would be a great idea. I called Lida Jones and talked her into taking the class as well.

I immediately became enamored with this ancient art of belly dancing. Our teacher, Katja, a student from Asheville was gentle and encouraging as well as very talented. (How did she do that?)

Our small group grew every week, until I knew we had enough for our first dancing troupe which we named Lola's Ladies.

For the past few weeks we have rehearsed and researched (looking for our great coin wraps on-line) until we were ready for the Women's Opry.

Today was the last class and I took Philip's granddaughter and her friend with me. I bought them belly dancing wraps and we all danced together. Katja is leaving to go back to school so it was a sad farewell.

I do love the fact that we now have added one more activity to our summer schedule. So, if you are around next summer, look for the posters; then you too can have 17 inch waists (or really just have a lot of fun!)

Lou Ann

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