Monday, March 04, 2024

Hello March!


March arrives with a flurry of weather activity. Rain, snow, wind, and the occasional sun shining down upon us. Yes, March is as fickle as they come. March does not know if she should continue with the arrival of spring and a sprinkling of faeries in the garden or cover us with inches of snow. Yes, we are waiting for that one! Winter was just a bit too easy for us this year!

March is named for the god of war and yet it brings the promise of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter (this year), and the rumblings underground of what is next to come. Searching through the leaves of Autumn yesterday, I cam across the arrival and blooming of my crocuses pushing their blooms through the leaves and garden debris to add color to my winter landscape. The forsythia bushes are next along with the daffodils. Daffodils are not just for beauty; they have great properties that are used in bioresearch these days. Daffodils are the flower of March and the national flower of Wales. According to Greek mythology Narcissus fell into a pool and drowned and the first daffodil appeared. Of course, this is mythology and fun for research although I think of my own daffodils as a cheery end of winter and a hello to spring. William Wordsworth wrote about daffodils in his beautiful poem, “Spring.” This lyric poem was written in 1804 after he and his sister, Dorothy, came across a field of daffodils in Grasmere, England. The poem was first published in 1807 and is a staple in my cache of spring poems. Once in England, during the spring, I went to Grasmere to see the daffodils, and oh, they fill the hillsides with outstanding beauty…just as Wordsworth said!

March does have its own wicked side as we think of Julius Caesar. Of course, the murder of Julius Caesar on the 15th of March gave us all the saying, “Beware the Ides of March.” We thank you William Shakespeare for that bit of knowledge! Do you remember acting that out in history class? At least for fun anyway as Caesar was stabbed 23 times. All I can say is that he was warned!

March brings the Oscars to those of us who really care about movies! Carolyn and I have been watching these award-winning movies for years and spend the winter knee deep in movies. We don’t even wait for the nominations! We start in the summer with the films we think will make the list. This year we scored high on those films. Once the nominations are in, we begin the frenzy of getting all of those films watched. It is not easy as we have to move around quite a bit to movie theatres and some on-line. We watch as many as we can at our local theatre, of course. The Brokaw is always our go-to, but we must be creative to get to all the films. On Sunday, a group of us went to The Tibbits to watch the animated shorts and documentaries. It is always fun to do this in a group. We carry our hankies in our pockets and pull them out for this film or that film. Some are so hard to watch, but all are important pieces of our own culture. The attendance is sparse for this four-hour event, but I thank The Tibbits for continually showing them. On Sunday night Carolyn and I, after marking our own cards, will host our own Oscar party. It is always a fun winter activity as we cross off movie after movie!

March brings St. Patrick’s Day and Easter which we will chat about in the future. It also brings the dreaded turn our clocks back (again!) on Sunday morning. I personally love the time right now, but alas, alas.

When I was younger, I did not have good thoughts of March. It was always a fickle time for snow or rain. How many times did we travel through snowstorms for the basketball sectionals? But over the years of paying attention to the land, to my gardens, I have learned to appreciate the beauty of March just the way it is. My dad used to say that in March the faeries begin their house cleaning, and if we are patient, with our ears to the ground, we can hear them working. You probably don’t want to go that far but do enjoy March for the hidden beauty which now springs forth.

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