Monday, November 27, 2023

Farewell, November!


Elizabeth Coatsworth once wrote, “November comes, and November goes with the last red berries and the first white snows…” We are certainly ending the month with the winter winds whirling around us. I did get my leaves raked…well, the ones in the front and side yards…done before the snow. I spent Saturday night raking by the light of the almost full moon. It was a fun experience. I felt a little like Emily Dickinson who always gardened at night. Perhaps I should take on that persona?

Thanksgiving came and went. So many joys for me. Adam and Jonah were home. I loved spending time with them. We went for our Christmas tree with Aaron and Rachel’s family. I am so grateful that Bud and Deb’s Christmas tree farm is just right around the corner. They opened on Friday morning at 10:00 and we were all there shortly afterwards. I love traipsing through the pine forest especially with the boys. We spend a long time choosing our perfect trees. Mine must whisper to me. I love it when Jonah says, “Is this one talking to you, Nannie?” We did finally find our perfect trees, the boys cut them down and we hauled them home. Mine is sitting stately and bare in my living room waiting for the baubles to come out of the closet. That will happen this week. Bud and Deb’s Christmas Tree Farm is open every weekend until they decide enough trees have been taken. They are very much stewards of their pine forest.

This past weekend was also Santa coming to town and it was a perfectly brilliant night with families lining all the street corners. Someone commented to me that it looks like a movie set. Yes, it did, it always does. Small Business Shopping appeared the next day with folks once again perusing our shops. Carolyn and I helped at the new Gallery featuring the Steuben Art Scene. I loved seeing so many folks pop in to have a look. We have so much talent in our area. Make sure you visit and see if there is something you would like from Santa!

Coming home I checked Facebook news and saw the post from The Hatchery that they are closing. At the news, my mind was completely flooded with stories and events from The Hatchery. I am a frequent patron, probably at least once a month. Kathy and I go for our birthdays and anytime we need long conversations. Elten and Carolyn and I go every Halloween after the last trick-or-treater has left and the porch light goes out, we go to The Hatchery for chocolate martinis. They make the best ones. I almost (almost!) got engaged at The Hatchery. It didn’t work out, but that wasn’t their fault. On the night Aaron proposed to Rachel, we sat in The Hatchery while friends and family decorated their back yard with rose petals and lights. We were all on pins and needles that night. The decorating still wasn’t done so we headed over to Monument Pizza until I got all clear sign. Luckily for all of us, she said, “Yes!” Valentine’s day, and so many occasions were spent inside those walls. It isn’t always about the food, but the event, the conversation. I will miss them so much, and so will my guests!

Is it our fault they are closing? I suppose so. We can do better. I know I am a broken record on this town of mine. I love it so much. I try to promote everything and everyone. We are responsible for the businesses staying open. Yes, small business shopping is over for another year, but one day a year cannot sustain our businesses. I will try harder. I know I also need to be more vigilant. We all do. Enough said.

Other news has our community shadowed in sadness. Since we are a close-knit community, we all grieve together. We share these stories as we break bread together and tell the stories. Sometimes I do feel guilty of continuing on…decorating the tree, singing songs, attending concerts, and making and buying gifts for those I love. Yet, this is what we are called to do.

In the meantime, November leaves us this week. It was a beautiful month with stunning sunrises and sunsets. Elizabeth Coatsworth, a New England poet, said it best, “The fires burn, and the kettles sings. Earth sinks to rest until next Spring.”

We welcome you, December, your beauty awaits us.izabeth Coatsworth once wrote, “November comes, and November goes with the last red berries and the first white snows…” We are certainly ending the month with the winter winds whirling around us. I did get my leaves raked…well, the ones in the front and side yards…done before the snow. I spent Saturday night raking by the light of the almost full moon. It was a fun experience. I felt a little like Emily Dickinson who always gardened at night. Perhaps I should take on that persona?

Thanksgiving came and went. So many joys for me. Adam and Jonah were home. I loved spending time with them. We went for our Christmas tree with Aaron and Rachel’s family. I am so grateful that Bud and Deb’s Christmas tree farm is just right around the corner. They opened on Friday morning at 10:00 and we were all there shortly afterwards. I love traipsing through the pine forest especially with the boys. We spend a long time choosing our perfect trees. Mine must whisper to me. I love it when Jonah says, “Is this one talking to you, Nannie?” We did finally find our perfect trees, the boys cut them down and we hauled them home. Mine is sitting stately and bare in my living room waiting for the baubles to come out of the closet. That will happen this week. Bud and Deb’s Christmas Tree Farm is open every weekend until they decide enough trees have been taken. They are very much stewards of their pine forest.

This past weekend was also Santa coming to town and it was a perfectly brilliant night with families lining all the street corners. Someone commented to me that it looks like a movie set. Yes, it did, it always does. Small Business Shopping appeared the next day with folks once again perusing our shops. Carolyn and I helped at the new Gallery featuring the Steuben Art Scene. I loved seeing so many folks pop in to have a look. We have so much talent in our area. Make sure you visit and see if there is something you would like from Santa!

Coming home I checked Facebook news and saw the post from The Hatchery that they are closing. At the news, my mind was completely flooded with stories and events from The Hatchery. I am a frequent patron, probably at least once a month. Kathy and I go for our birthdays and anytime we need long conversations. Elten and Carolyn and I go every Halloween after the last trick-or-treater has left and the porch light goes out, we go to The Hatchery for chocolate martinis. They make the best ones. I almost (almost!) got engaged at The Hatchery. It didn’t work out, but that wasn’t their fault. On the night Aaron proposed to Rachel, we sat in The Hatchery while friends and family decorated their back yard with rose petals and lights. We were all on pins and needles that night. The decorating still wasn’t done so we headed over to Monument Pizza until I got all clear sign. Luckily for all of us, she said, “Yes!” Valentine’s day, and so many occasions were spent inside those walls. It isn’t always about the food, but the event, the conversation. I will miss them so much, and so will my guests!

Is it our fault they are closing? I suppose so. We can do better. I know I am a broken record on this town of mine. I love it so much. I try to promote everything and everyone. We are responsible for the businesses staying open. Yes, small business shopping is over for another year, but one day a year cannot sustain our businesses. I will try harder. I know I also need to be more vigilant. We all do. Enough said.

Other news has our community shadowed in sadness. Since we are a close-knit community, we all grieve together. We share these stories as we break bread together and tell the stories. Sometimes I do feel guilty of continuing on…decorating the tree, singing songs, attending concerts, and making and buying gifts for those I love. Yet, this is what we are called to do.

In the meantime, November leaves us this week. It was a beautiful month with stunning sunrises and sunsets. Elizabeth Coatsworth, a New England poet, said it best, “The fires burn, and the kettles sings. Earth sinks to rest until next Spring.”

We welcome you, December, your beauty awaits us.

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