Monday, April 17, 2023

What treasures do you have hidden?


This past weekend, with warm temps and blue skies, I decided it really was time to get outside to play in the dirt…at least a little! After a winter of snow and sleet and broken branches, it is interesting and fun to see what treasures appear this year in the garden. What changes should I make?

I think the winter brings items to the surface. I don’t really know how that works! One year I was walking at Pokagon with a friend and dropped my car keys. It was in early October before the leaves, before the hunters, before the snows of winter. We looked and looked to no avail. I called the locksmith and made my way home in the dark. Months later, in April, we were walking the same path and there were my keys just sitting on top of the ground waiting to be found. I think about that story often. How did those keys end up on top of the ground after all those months?

How do the trinkets end up on top of the ground? I found a tiny shoe of Faith’s, a slew of marbles from Noah, and even small trucks and items from when Jonah was a child. I love finding these treasures of play, these trinkets from days gone by. I do not collect them, but I bury them back into the ground where they belong. Maybe someday, another child, another family will find them and wonder about the children who played in these gardens.

I think leaving remnants of our lives behind is fun to do and so easy. Maybe you are not comfortable with this topic, but alas, alas…it will happen.

Let’s start in my studio which is filled top to bottom with books. The books in my studio and on my shelves all over my house are all still in use with me! The books I put out in my Little Library are usually donated books or even books that I buy at a book sale! Anyway, back to my books. I hide things in books. Dried roses. Plane tickets. Love letters. Cards. Newspaper articles. Photographs. In one book, I hid a hundred-dollar bill. That alone will keep my kids busy looking for treasures! I even surprise myself when I pick up a book to peruse or read and find one of these tidbits. I enjoy it for a bit, and slip it right back into the book.

Let’s talk about pictures. You know, the ones we hang in our houses! Most of mine have stories and other photos tucked into them. My theatre art is all over my house with photographs of my casts for various plays. Most of these are autographed on the front. However, it is the back you do not see, but is just as important. On the back I have taped the playbills, some other photos of the cast, ticket stubs and other various information for each show. It is fun for me to lift a picture and turn it over. Most of my other pictures have stories attached to the back! I have hand-drawn pictures from Jonah and Brianna. Inside these lovely pieces of art are stories and photos of the artists themselves.

Recipes are the same. I love that I have many hand-written recipe cards from my grandmothers. I also have notes written all over my recipe books: “This one was great.” “I think it would be better with butter.” “My boys loved this!” “Don’t ever make this one again!” Most of my recipe books are old and falling apart, but contain most of my kitchen history!

Now this idea may not be for you! This is my welcome wall which is in the hallway going upstairs. When I first moved in twenty years ago, I had friends over for dinner. My first dinner party, but I had failed to buy a guest book. I thrust a marker into someone’s hand and simply said, “Just sign the wall.” One guest was mortified and said that she could never, but she eventually did. Just a few little signatures and notes on the wall. What was I thinking? It didn’t look like much then, but the signatures and poems and drawings on that wall has grown and is a focal point of visitors!

Of course, there are always blogs (yes, I have one), books of hand-written poetry (yes, I have that too), and albums of photos!

I love knowing I am leaving treasures behind.

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