Sunday, March 12, 2017

Poetry on the Square making a return engagement!

Poetry on the Square making a return engagement!: One visit to my old house and you know how much I love poetry. My library is full of poetry books, including my dad’s collection, and my kitchen cupboards are covered in poems taped up for easy viewing. Sometimes guests just spend hours reading the poems in the kitchen! Perhaps loving poetry so much is a curse as well as a blessing. My conversations are dotted with such lines as, “Well, you know what Emily Dickinson once said,” or “It is such a Poe night, isn’t it?” Luckily my friends either know when to respond or when to ignore my lust for poetry.

Jonah reading Shakespeare!

This was the last day of reading on the square!!

Last year during the sonnet-a-thon on the square!

Here is the link to this week's column. Yes, there will be poetry on the square again in April. Just click on the above link for the full story! 

See you on the square for our first reading on April 3rd!


Robb said...

That sounds like it will be a lot of fun! I wonder whose POEtry, you might read? ;-)

Lou Ann Homan said...

Why don't you stop by and read one of yours?