Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Full Wolf Moon arrives with Nannie of the Year

My small suitcase is packed once again. It is full of treasures for little girls … Goldilocks (the puppet), books, a beautiful seashell, and a small bag of glitter. These are the treasures that Mary Poppins herself would carry in her satchel. My little girls, Holly and Brianna, love these small treasures, but the first thing they will ask is this question, “Nannie, will there be a full moon tonight?” I am the Nannie with all the celestial answers. Maybe because my Earth Sky map of the full moons is taped to my closet door. Sometimes I have to tell the girls that there will be no full moon while I am visiting. Their disappointment is as if it is my fault. They do take it personally.
This is the waxing gibbous moon taken just two days ago by
my poet friend and photographer, Michael Czarnecki.

Here is the link to this week's column. Yes, the full moon for January is almost here, and I love it as much as anyone!
As always, just click on the above link, and thank you for reading. Where will you be watching the full moon???
Lou Ann

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