Sunday, December 18, 2016

Reliving an earlier Christmas

 I have a lovely old house.

This is a print of a painting of my old farmhouse. The original was painted by Tara Rinkle Homan. This lovely print was my Christmas gift from Adam and Tara. I love it so much.

Here is the link to this week's column. I was asked yesterday about the inspiration for the column. First of all I dearly love the old stories of my young children and our celebrations. Secondly, I met a young woman at the store this week who had that "deer in the headlights" look. I stopped to talk with her. She was so worried about Christmas with her children because she had so little to give them. I told her this story and other stories about what children really need. They need us, they need time, they need stories and, well, magic. Those qualities I gave to my children.

Enjoy the column. Just click on the top link or the title and it will take you to the KPC site. As always, a thank you to my editor, Mike, who makes me look like a good writer.

Until tomorrow.


neriman said...

Enjoyed your column

Nancy Schmelter said...

Just read "Reliving an earlier Christmas." I am dripping with tears of gratitude for your gift.