‘Lock your doors, Nannie’ ends with wonderful adventure: I pull down the red blinds, put “The Phantom of the Opera” on the CD player, and look at the letters and the newspaper clippings one at a time. (I always did like a flair for the dramatic!) In past days, Jonah and I scoured these letters even visiting the police station and the United States Post Office. “We think these are real,” they both said. Jonah (who also has a flair for the dramatic) says, “Lock your doors, Nannie.”
What a perfect gift for you! I'm thinking about who I know that would enjoy this adventure. Thanks for sharing this great story.
It was the biggest surprise. I never thought it was a former student. I thought of many folks I spend time with...smart, funny adults who would do it.
There were times it was very creepy. You need to choose someone with a vivid imagination who would find it very creepy. I did, indeed, lock the doors and close the blinds. Jonah and I did go to the Post Office and the Police Station. The grim reaper in my garden will be a constant reminder of this wonderful event. Choose wisely, my friend!
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