Tuesday, April 26, 2016


My martenitsa on my apple tree.

When Tammeron Francis-Jones, my vineyard growing friend, came home from Bulgaria last February he caught me at the library.

"Wait," he said, "I have a gift for you."

He produced this little package of two small hand-made yarn dolls. I thought they were quite cute and thanked him immediately.

"No, no," he said, "you must know the story. I know you will love this."

The dolls are native to Bulgaria and they are worn towards the end of winter on your jacket or on your purse or wherever, as long as you have them with you all the time.

"And then what?" I asked.

"When the first blossom appears on your fruit tree, take it off and tie it on the branches. It will be a wish of fertility to that tree and good cheer to you."

I have been watching. Last week my service berry tree bloomed, but that is for burying the dead. (A custom from the early pioneer period!) So that wouldn't work.

Yesterday my Johnny Appleseed tree bloomed with its first blossom. Actually this year the tree is full of blooms. I think that will bring a good harvest in the Autumn and sure to bring cheer to this household.

I took my little dolls off my hobo bag and promptly tied them to the tree.

So, good cheer and fortune shall come to this old house of mine and all who enter. Please come on by and share in my good fortune!

Until tomorrow.
Lou Ann

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