Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"O My Luve's Like A Red, Red Rose..."

This is my piper friend, Mark Gropp.

In keeping with the Valentine's theme, one of my speech classes hosted Robert Burns Night at the University on Monday. This was a tribute to Robbie Burns from Scotland, of course.

The students chose poetry, rehearsed, and stage our evening performance. I must say it was absolutely delightful to see these students all dressed up in black and reading poetry on a stage on a cold winter's night.

The only student who differed was Sam. He went out and bought a red shirt because his poem was "O My Luve's Like a Red, Red Rose."

Karen Homan came an hour early to put stage make-up on all the students. There was much rumbling amongst the gentlemen students, but alas, all looked great on the stage.

Mark Gropp, my friend and personal piper, played me into the theatre. It was a wonderful night of poetry and music. I was so proud of the students and I thank everyone who came out on that blustery February night.

If you are not familiar with the poetry of Burns, here is a lovely youtube video of the above poem.

Poetry and music in your pocket, or in your mittens, is a sure way to stay warm this winter!

Lou Ann

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