Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Happy Twelfth Night

Happy Twelfth Night

Happy Twelfth Night to all of you. Today is the last day of Christmas if you go with the 12 days of Christmas, and I do.

It is said that today is the day the Magi reached the Christ child with the gifts. It is a time of celebration for eating small cakes, giving the last of the Christmas gifts and lighting the tree for the last time.

I put candles on my tree as you can see in the photo. On this night I light them for the last time, sing the last of the Christmas songs, and say my blessings into the Holy Darkness. I love this special day although it means time to take down the Christmas greens and dim the lights in preparation for the bleak mid-winter.

I hope you have a lovely custom for this day. Perhaps you would like to share it.

So one more night of lights and singing and small cakes. Tonight when I go to sleep I will count all the Blessings of the New Year before I drift off into the dark and cold.

I added this lovely version of the song, In the Bleak Mid-Winter. Enjoy.

Until tomorrow.

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