Thursday, November 06, 2014

Extra, extra read all about mail just arrived!

I love to get mail...the old-fashioned kind...actually in the mail! The other day I received two letters in an envelope with no return address or name. The postmark said Cincinnati, but there were no other hints.

I would like to thank both Braydon and Michael for their letters. If you are related to them, please thank them for me.

In case you can't read Braydon's letter, I will translate it here!

Dear Lou Ann Homan,
Thank you for telling us those stories. It was an honor for you. I like those stories. Thank you. I like your stories. I think your last one was the best.
from Braydon Archer

I think Braydon is right, it is an honor for me to tell stories!

Until tomorrow.


Robb said...

Too cute! It was, indeed an honor for you, but I would also think, humbly, that it was an honor for them as well. :-D

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