Saturday, August 16, 2014

On with the show! Let the stories begin!

Another Saturday morning and another Saturday column. My first Fringe show was last night, and as always, I truly am a bundle of nerves....until I take the stage.

There is something so magical about telling stories. I think the roof could cave in and I would still be standing there telling stories. One time I was in a school and the fire alarm went off, and I seriously did not hear it. The principal had to come up on stage and stop the show.

Tonight my show in IndyFringe is at 10:30. We shall see how that goes!

Tomorrow I will be at Chautauqua Days as Gene Stratton Porter in Rome City at the historic site. This will be a lovely event (all kinds of events) for the entire family including a birthday cake for Gene. Come on out and say hello and enjoy a family day.

Today's column is at the top of the page, just click on and enjoy. As always, I thank you for reading.

Until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Eek a mouse!
Have you considered a good old-fashioned mousetrap...a cat?

Lou Ann Homan said...

I have a cat named Harley!! I gave him a whole speech while he was sitting in my kitchen. Alas, alas!

Anonymous said...


Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...