Monday, February 04, 2013

Winter art out my window...

The view from my front window on this snowy February morning.

Monday morning and the snow falls. My world is a salt shaker or a slow sifting mound of confectionary sugar today. This is what the northern folks wait for, well some of us anyway. These cold snowy mornings where the world is quiet and we just wait.
If it were days of old we would hibernate with the harvest stashed away, the wood cut, the candles made. For me these days are mixed with Tasha Tudor, Donald Hall, and poems from Norbert Krapf. Norbert was our Indiana poet laureate. He has a new book "Songs in Sepia and Black and White." This is a collaboration with photographs by Richard Fields. I have an autographed copy of his book and well as his words of encouragement to keep writing. This book is available through Indiana University Press.
Here is a sample of his work, enjoy.
A Blank Piece of Paper
Between dark hills
somewhere in this land
a boy sits at a table
next to a dim light.
He stares at a blank piece of paper,
holding a pen
filled with enough ink
to tell a good story.
What the boy can't yet
tell is where he began
and where he will end....
Norbert Krapf

I have also paired this with a musical selection from Albinoni. Don't worry I chose a short piece. Take a moment from your busy day to let art, music, and poetry fill your soul.

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