Here is the link to this week's column, down memory lane. I hope you enjoy it. It is about my oldest son Adam.
Here is a photo of my three son from left to right, Aaron, Abe, and Adam. (Aaron and Adam are twins!) This photo was taken in my garden last summer. |
Such a wonderful story of a most true piece of life ! So true and well captured in your writing that it makes me want to say : "I love you , can we hug? " that sort of reaction! it is because it is also the reader - me ! - who is standing there with your rich feelings inside out again, feelings through things talking about your ever lasting relationship between your son and yourself, his mother and all the rest of each one's life ...
Fascinating in simplicity , all I say is just to tell you how much Micky enjoyed ! ( am in France , all is very beautiful yet not easy at all in some ways ! But am OK with my own special story ! )
Through the mystery of "time" Angels captured the moment for you so long ago. You are Blessed.
Wonderful column! I just wnat you to know that I have been reading your blog and columns since I found out about them this past summer. I don't always get a chance to post comments, but I wanted to let you know that I look forward to every post.
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