Friday, February 08, 2013

A belated tribute to Robert Burns!

One of the requirements for my English classes was to prepare a piece of poetry to read at the Robert Burns celebration.

The students made and put posters up all over the campus, chose their poetry and did their rehearsal.

I invited my friend and artist, Mark Gropp, to bring his pipes and share his music with the students as well. Mark had a flat tire on the way to our Burns Supper (held at my house before the show), and I had visions of him changing the tire in the snow in his kilt! Luckily someone else changed the tire for him.

The evening was fun. The students were very professional. One of the students emceed the show and each in turn shared their poetry on the stage.

Their choices ran from Burns to Pasternak to Dickens to Noyes. I loved every piece.

Mark played tunes between the pieces ending with Amazing Grace.

It was a great evening and one I won't forget. Thank you students for spending a nice snowy evening bringing poetry alive!

I took this photo of the Trine campus a few hours before the show.

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