Friday, April 13, 2012

Missoula Children's Theater

Forgive my lack of posting this week, however the theater has come to town!
On Sunday night two directors of he Missoula Children's Theater, Anne and Allison, moved in with me.

Hendry Park, the school I always talk about in my small town, has fund raisers and books fairs just to bring this traveling theater troupe to town.

The process is amazing. Monday are the auditions, rehearsals every night (meaning just Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) are from 3-8 with a break for a packed lunch.

There are over 40 kids in the show and it has been fascinating to watch this show come to life in such a short time.

Tonight the kids meet again at 3:00 for dress rehearsal and then the show tonight and tomorrow....7:30 and 12:00!

Be sure to come out!

Oh, and Jonah is in the show! Pictures to follow.

Now, on with the show!

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