Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thirteen, exactly...

Last night was my monthly "First Monday Night Pot Luck" for women only. So it happened that this September Monday was late in coming and the first Monday was Labor Day so the pot luck fell last night which coincides this month with my book club which meets the third Wednesday night of the month. Hmmm...both in the same week...where do the stars line up for this one?

As usual the food (almost all vegetarian) was fabulous and it seemed as if wine in blue bottles was the other mainstay for the evening. Could it be that my friends are all wanting to contribute to my Blue Bottle Garden? More on that story later in another blog.

We had so much catching up to do...new babies, jobs, events. Of course, the broken arm story has turned into an hilarious performance piece now and captures all ears when I tell it. (I am so glad that it is just a story now and that I am done living it!!)

I shared the stories of the Women's Opry on Ocracoke Island. I love producing that Opry and look forward to it every year. I shared Kathleen Fogerty's story and the song which we all sang in a round. It was so lovely and then at the precise moment, Gary Mitchell put the lights out and we all howled at the moon.

Well, we tried it in my backyard. Of course, I do not have the lovely voice of Kathleen and we are not the Women's Opry, but we gave it a great shot! The howling caused all of my neighbors to either come outside or go in...whichever.

We ate and laughed and everyone stayed late to catch up with our friendships.

Melinda pointed out to me that there were exactly 13 women there.

"Really?" I said. I had no idea or even that she counted. She went on to say that she counts every month and that we are almost always a group of thirteen even when there are a few different women here and there. I never noticed.

Could make an interesting story, or is it one already?

My good friend Kathleen married a farmer from Indiana and is a musician and a farmer's wife in Virginia Beach. She wants to come to Indiana to visit in the winter months. She must bring her guitar and come for girls pot luck. We are very good howlers!

Lou Ann

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Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...