Friday, January 15, 2016

Music in our town...

I have always loved music as part of my life from an early age. As an adult I have filled my studio with many lovely musical instruments. By far my favorite is my laut which is hand-carved and was given to me on my birthday when I worked in Bavaria, Germany. I was very homesick that birthday and it was a wonderful gift. I traveled all across Europe with that laut strapped across my back playing music by babbling brooks, on trains, and in fields pretending to be Maria from The Sound of Music. 

Other instruments include a lovely Celtic harp, a hand-carved dulcimer from the mountains of North Carolina, a hand-carved Native American flute and a thumb piano. Moving on the dining room you will find my piano and my ukulele which is now my instrument of choice, as some of you well know.

This weekend friends of mine are coming from the East Coast to play music in my town. Jeanne McDougall has been a friend of mine for years. I met her on Ocracoke and had always loved the music of her partner, Bob Zentz. I have made several videos of them over time. This one is a favorite one of mine taken at Rob and Sundae's store. I loved spending hours on their porch just passing the time listening to music. Please enjoy.

And if you like that please join me at Chapman's Brewery this evening for a great evening with Jeanne and her friends. I am also hosting a house concert tomorrow evening at the House at the White Picket Gardens or more well known these days as the Purple House. If you can't make either, just stop in anytime. I am sure music will be played all weekend.

Hope to see you out and about. Please enjoy this video!!

Lou Ann

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