Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Solstice Poem with Lantern Light

Listening to stories by lantern light.

I was sent this lovely poem by a friend of mine for the Solstice, and even though we are a few days past, the darkness penetrates our days and thoughts. I love this photo of my boys listening to stories...nothing is more beautiful to me.

On The Other Side of Solstice
by Carrie Newcomer

The earth turns and we lean out 
Gathering to ourselves 
A little more light each day. 
Yes, it is true, 
That shadow and light 
Walk side by side,
Bowing their heads together in intimate conversation. 
Because the world turns
The darkest days must come,
and the long nights will spill across the floor like water.
And yet, 
There will always be 
That subtle shift
A pivotal moment, 
When we know the deepest dark is done
And the longest night is over,
When we sense something luminous, 
Something clear and unmistakable 
The fulfillment of a promise,
Growing stronger
in regular and trustworthy increments.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Walker

Marion's Woods

Perhaps my Christmas Eve is less frantic than most. Perhaps my Christmas holiday is less frantic as well. I think I learned years ago to make the most of the season as opposed to just so many gifts. Whereas, I do enjoy a few gifts, I think most of my time and thoughts relate to the music, the trees, the children, family and friends during Christmas.

This morning I took my traditional Christmas Eve hike. This year, since I stayed in northern Indiana, I hiked in our local woods. It was raining quite a bit, but there was a bit of a let up when I took to the woods. It was a lovely morning of reflection.

I thought of poetry, of course, and the poem, The Child's Christmas in Wales, just continued to go through my head. I love Dylan's poem and have pondered quite often at Christmas. If you don't know of the poem, please look it up. You will love it as well, I think.

To you and your family, I wish you the merriest Christmas. If things are tough, and believe me, I know they can me, find a friend to share the day with...drink some eggnog and say a prayer into the holy darkness. Morning will come.

Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Relating Christmas miracles never grows old...

The above is the link to this week's Christmas column. Enjoy and, as always, thank you for reading.

Here is the youtube version of John McCutcheon's song, "Christmas in the Trenches."


Monday, December 15, 2014

Don’t miss a moment of this joyous season...

Dear Readers,

It has been a while...a long while. Let's hope I am back on track and you will come back reading! Sorry for the delay, sometimes life just gets in the way!

The above link is this week's story. I love that you read my columns. Thank you so much. The photo is from the horse drawn wagon rides in my home town. These are every Friday night in December. When we came around the mound I just had to take this photo in the fog. I wasn't sure how it would come out, but later on that night in my studio, I found it was beautiful. Hope you love it as well.

Until tomorrow.

Lou Ann


Music and Love

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