Monday, March 03, 2014

Saylor cemetery tour will be extensive...

Saylor cemetery tour will be extensive - KPCNews: Kpcnews

Click on the above link for this week's column. I have also included YouTube video of John Prine singing "Paradise." Please enjoy.

Until tomorrow,

Lou Ann


Anonymous said...

Dear friend Lou Ann,as always I love your post, whatever you say, or imagine ... Is always so vibrant and has something universal, at least I can connect to your thoughts and way to look at life , especially what is essential and why we are here and who we are ... People !
At the moment being in my parents house, remodeling it , going through the things my dear dad had written, either the small pieces of paper with just one sentence , or thoughts , either his story about when he was a prisoner in Germany ...

Anonymous said...

So many fantastic videos of J P singing and playing his grrreat songs. The man is so talented and a former letter carrier. The stories he can tell. thanks for sharing.

Lou Ann Homan said...

We are all a product on our stories no matter how we have received them. Most stories never pass through our fingertips or even into our thoughts, but they are there even so.