Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The past few months I have lived out of my suitcase. I started in May with a trip to St. Pete to visit my son, Arizona to visit my other son, and then a trip to Colorado for my niece's wedding.

I spent most of the summer on Ocracoke, of course, where I could put things away in drawers and small cubby holes.

I then spent a couple of weeks at the Fringe Festival in Indianapolis before I actually could unpack the suitcase.

Wherever home is for each of us, we need to find that place where we have our own special teacup, grandma's quilt and our books.

Home can change, but the name doesn't.

Virginia took this photo while biking a couple of weeks ago. This scene is just a bike away for me. Enjoy.

Friday, August 23, 2013

And the IndyFringe continues....

When I was eleven years old my life consisted of biking around my neighborhood, writing plays for my brothers and sisters, and performing those plays under my mother’s clothesline.  I was chubby with crooked front teeth and a pixie hair cut. Life was grand in every way.

Until one day…

The girls in my class at school were given pink invitations to take home to our mothers. We were so excited to be inviting our mothers to a tea party! I wore my best dress, anklets, and patent leather shoes. I loved the tea party with mints and cookies. But then we watched a film that changed our lives, “What is happening to my body?”

I slunk down into my chair as I watched all the changes about to occur and no way to stop it, something like a train wreck.

Growing up in my era we were groomed for the happily ever after which meant marring the man of our dreams and having children. This happily ever after was re-enforced by the rules of the Baptist church where we attended: 1. Always sit six inches apart from boys. 2. Do not swim with boys or their little spermettes will find you in the water. 3. Never smoke, drink, touch or have --- (we weren’t allowed to say the word) with boys.

This original piece, The Baptist Girl’s Guide to Sex, Love, and Happiness, explores these growing up issues in a humorous way while weaving back and forth between my women’s potluck group conversations and my own once-upon-a-time fairy tale.

This past year I have personally set out finding the happily ever after. Do folks still believe in it? What about me? What about you?

Writing of the script fell upon hard times as my pieces began to unravel onto the cutting room floor. Some stories were brought back to life. Others were swept out the back door along with the day’s footprints.

As with all storytelling performances, I needed an audience to bring the show alive!  I was able to share the story at Diva Fest in Indianapolis in the early spring. It was a great beginning for me and led to lots of discussions. With much more work, I was able to perform the show on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina to visitors and locals alike. I have since shared it with other Indiana audiences at house concerts.

 At the beginning of this adventure I felt my story would be enjoyed most of all by middle aged women. I was wrong. My audiences have been diverse, with men and women of all ages. The youngest was 15. She came up to me immediately after the show with tears in her eyes, “I really appreciate my mom after your story,” she said to me. “My mom is so honest with me.”

The oldest member of the audience so far was an 85 year old woman who sat in the back because she thought she might have to leave! She stayed and enjoyed the entire show. And all you men out there, the largest laughs have come from you, so don’t be shy!

Carolyn Powers wrote on Facebook, “Had a sneak preview of Lou Ann Homan's Indy Fringe show last night at our home. What a fantastic storyteller! Her story brought laughter, wonder, tears and joy. If you can drive to Indy to the fringe, be there. You will not be disappointed!”

It is with deep appreciation that I thank IndyFringe and Storytelling Arts of Indiana. These two organizations have created this venue for me to tell my story. Now it is your turn. Come on out, and then tell your own ‘growing up story’ with friends and family. Those of you attending, please make your presence known so that I may thank you for coming as well.

See you at the IndyFringe 2013!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sea hatching turtles...

This is a photo from N.E.S.T.

Most of you know I spend my summers on Ocracoke Island. In the past I have often volunteered with the park rangers spotting nests early in the morning.

Other years I volunteer at the lighthouse or the radio station or O.P.S.
I usually leave too early to watch the sea turtles hatch except for last year. I was able to film it on you-tube. 

This year I missed it completely, but here is a lovely photo from the Network for Endangered Turtles.

If you are on Ocracoke don't miss the opportunity to see this amazing adventure. The turtles have just started hatching so you will have plenty of time.

If you have missed it like I have, you can go to my video from last year!


Lou Ann

Saturday, August 17, 2013

We all should bring passion to our work and play....

We all should bring passion to our work and play - KPC Media Group: Kpcnews

Here is the link to this week's column. I think you will enjoy it and maybe inspire you a bit to find the passion in your own life. We all must have it!

So, let me catch you up a little on the IndyFringe. It was a beautiful night in Indianapolis last night. There was a fair breeze blowing through the city, and it was still cool.

My opening show was last night, and I am so happy to report that the house SOLD OUT! It was a great way to start! I am going to have high expectations after that, but I do know better.

However, if you are coming to my show at the Fringe, please order your tickets ahead of time to make sure you get in!

Once again the web site is IndyFringe13.

One of the best opportunities for a performer is the chance to catch all the other shows. I will post a list of some of my favorites for you as well! The shows have all been great!

Hope to see you at the Fringe!

Lou Ann

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Dance Begins

This is the stage door to the Phoenix Theatre in downtown Indianapolis.

Last night was the opening night for the IndyFringe13. I was not on stage last night as my first show is tonight. I spent the evening with Ellen (my great friend and director of Storytelling Arts of Indiana) at the Frank Basile Theatre located in the Phoenix.

The crowds were pretty good for opening night! The weather is cool here with temperatures in the 50's last night. I packed all sundresses. I think they will need to wait until next week!

I am staying with Ellen in the bedroom I have had for over 20 years. My bed is tucked under the eaves. I even have my own quilt which her parents bought for me years ago! It is cozy and quiet in that room. We have our own work spaces, however, since we both like to talk.

Until tomorrow's update, this is your roving storyteller!  Lou Ann

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen!

Presenting Live:

Lou Ann Homan in concert 

at the IndyFringe with her new show,

The Baptist Girl's Guide to Sex, Love, and Happiness!

All shows will be held at the
 Phoenix Basile Theatre,
749 N. Park Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana

Tonight the opening ceremony begins at 7:00 on Mass Ave. My first show is Friday night at 9:00! For more information on my show and all the others, please go to INDYFRINGE.ORG!

My shows are sponsored by IndyFringe and Storytelling Arts of Indiana.

See you at the show!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Saying farewell at the Amtrak I even need words?

It is time to leave one home for another....

It is time to leave one home for another - KPC Media Group: Kpcnews

Dear Friends,

Thank you for being patient with this blog. It has been a very emotional week leaving one home for another. Saying good bye is the hardest.

I am back home with lots of other adventures as well!

Thanks to all of you.

Please just click the above link for this week's article!

Lou Ann

Sunday, August 04, 2013

The Marla Brooke

With August’s arrival comes the lasts of summer - KPC Media Group: Kpcnews

Dear Friends,

Once again I am out and about on the island looking for a good story. Above is the link to this week's column! As always, thank you for reading.

Lou Ann

Early morning on Silver Lake

This is the trawler, The Marla Brooke, from Georgetown, South Carolina.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Happy Birthday Philip!

Today is Philip's birthday and I know how he is valued in his community of Ocracoke preserving traditions and culture. Most of our breakfast conversations relate to stories from a hundred years ago...well almost.

Happy Birthday to the island historian, beloved Opa in all our families, and my best friend.

Also happy birthday to his grandson Lachlan

Lou Ann

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...