Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Antonio Vivaldi visits my small town.

Sunday afternoon was blustery with winds from the northeast and the scent of snow in the air. Virginia and I bundled up with our usual coats, boots, gloves to walk the few blocks to the the Community Center for our town's choir and orchestra to perform "Gloria" written by Antonio Vivaldi.

As we entered the auditorium (which was once the home to our high school) we chatted with friends and neighbors before taking our seats.

The Dale Hughes Auditorium is adorned with high windows which were covered on this day. The red velvet seats and the thick blue stage curtains immediately puts one in the mood for a special event.

Mark Kayes, director of music at Trine University, was dressed in his finest as he took to the stage to direct this wonderful piece of music. He raised his baton to an orchestra and choir of community members. This is a new endeavor and I was so proud to be in their company on that cold day.

Vivaldi has long been one of my favorite composers. When in Prague this past winter I attended two concerts in old stone churches featuring his music along with Thomas Albinoni. I must say that I cried all the way through the concert.

Vivaldi (1678-1741) composed this piece, probably in 1715, for the choir of the Ospedale della Pieta, an orphanage for girls. During his lifetime Vivaldi was a very popular composer, but died penniless in Vienna and was buried in a pauper's grave. This particular manuscript was lost to time and was discovered in the late 1920's. It was first performed in 1939.

It is now a very popular piece. The above video is not the Angola Choir and Orchestra as I did not take a video. It is, however, one of my favorites on YouTube. Please enjoy!

I want to thank Peter Carey from the Royal Free Singers for his notes on "Gloria" as well as our musicians in my home town.

As always,

Lou Ann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WoW! I do love a live performance. Prior to purchasing my community theater tickets from a woman in what was a broom closet in a community theater venue in what was a very large residential situation converted = I circumnavigated the structure and prayed to the man above there was no swimming pool as I made a wrong turn... prior to ticket purchase from the TWIBC woman in the broom closet oh my the pirates of pensase was enjoyaed