Monday, August 27, 2012

An interview at sunset waiting in line for tickets...

For ten days in Indiana, the Indy Fringe holds the spotlight in Indianapolis. This is the place for performers to shed their "mother/daughter banquet" appearance and enjoy a little more...well fringe on the garment event!

It was my great privilege to be a participant last year in the Fringe. This year i just caught one night, two performances.

Waiting in line always has its virtues. I met a lovely woman, Alanna, standing behind us. She never misses the fringe and she was kind of enough to share her feelings as to why!

So under the beautiful waxing gibbous moon, here is a short interview from Indianapolis

Coming home to Archway cookies!

This week's column!

Dear Friends,

So here we are, back in the studio ready to get to work. Ahhh, coming home, sifting through memories of Ocracoke and finding everywhere I go the Ocracoke connection!

This was a weekend of festivals for me in Northern Indiana. It was a nice break from the laptop, emails, etc. But oh how I was itching to get back to work this morning. I made several out and abouts along the Indiana cultural trail. I will feature one each day! In a few you will see the Ocracoke connection which I found fascinating...from Susan Dodd to Molasses Creek.

Is it definitely a small world.

This week's column is about arriving home. There is a tradition at the Fort Wayne International Airport that when you arrive, you are greeted warmly by a man or woman holding a basket of cellophane wrapped Archway cookies. Each passenger receives one with a warm, "Welcome to Fort Wayne."

Archway Cookies makes its home in Fort Wayne so it is a very nice gesture and a definite way to welcome guests to the Midwest.

As always, thanks for reading. There are lots of fun blogs coming your way this tune in!

Lou Ann

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...