Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Writing from the Center" with Scott Russell Sanders

This summer my life has centered around my own garden with daily jaunts (on my bike) to town, storytelling performances, and community events.

I guess I could say that my garden was my artist pallett for the summer along with creating and finding new outlets for my work in my studio.

Recently (Monday evening) one of my writing books was returned to me after it circulated around my neighborhood.

As soon as I held this book in my hands, I felt compelled to open it immediately. My pencil notations were all over the book with phrases underlined, and notes to self evident in margins.

This book is "Writing from the Center" by Scott Russell Sanders. The book was written in 1995 and dedicated to Wendell Berry.

If you are a serious writer or want to feel more connected to your own home place I highly recommend this book. It may be out of print, but you can always go to Abe books!

I noticed that I made several notes to myself speaking of my pursuit of holiness and questions about who I am, how I write, and how going home can put peace into my soul.

For this summer, my soul belongs to the above garden, my House at White Picket Gardens and my community in northern Indiana.

So, where can you find your soul this summer? Just things to think about while watching fireflies or swinging at the park, or sitting outside at midnight watching the waxing moon slide against the summer sky.

As always, thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Out and about at The Strand Theater

Hi Folks,

Once again I am out and about in my small town of Angola, Indiana. This time it is date night with my favorite two young men, Matthew and Jonah.

Here we are at The Strand Theater on the square getting ready to see the new Disney movie, Brave. I actually was able to get a brief interview with the owner, but as you can see, it is brief.

I support my local theaters as often as I can keeping alive our downtown. Please support your local theatre as well!

By the way, my brief movie is not upside down, so don't worry! As for Brave, I really loved it. I think Disney brought back some of its magic for this show. The little red headed heroine, now she is definitely a star!

As always, enjoy and thanks for checking in to see what is going on in my small town!

Lou Ann

Monday, June 25, 2012

       “Tea and a Story”, a feature new to the Arts Fest this year, is at 2 p.m. Sunday in the ballroom at Charley Creek Inn. Lou Ann Homan is a professional storyteller who will relate the history of the hotel, which was built in 1920 and recently renovated. Those in the audience will enjoy an afternoon tea while they here tales of the old hotel.

Hi folks,

Here I am again inviting you to a fun afternoon of "Tea and a Story". This is my Charley Creek Inn story that I showcased in March in Indianapolis. This time the show will be where it belongs and that is at the Charley Creek Inn. I am so delighted to be telling the stories where they took place!

This entire week is the Charley Creek Arts Festival in Wabash. I will be heading out on Saturday and staying over at the Inn, of course.

I would love to see you there because we will have a great time, support the arts, and enjoy this wonderful community.

This event is sponsored by Indiana Landmarks and Storytelling Arts of Indiana.

Here are a few photos to entice you to visit! Oh, the tickets for the tea are $10.00. I believe that is mostly for tea and crumpets, but you get a story as well!!

You should book a room and come on Saturday as well. We can celebrate all evening at the lovely Charley Creek Inn!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Angola Farmer's Market

So here is another story with my video camera and a new series...Out and about in my small town.

Today's feature presentation is the Angola Farmer's Market.

As always, enjoy the show!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Castle Invasion!

Here is our film/video/commercial!

I think it is wonderful and I loved being a part of this. I had to watch it a couple of times to see if I was actually in the film! Alas, alas, there I was. Not sure Hollywood can find me!!

Summer Solstice in my small town...

At the moment of the solstice celebration (7:09) I was sitting in my garden with eight other members of my book club. It was my turn to host, and indeed I did so. The night was warm, as they have been this June, but with a fresh pitcher of Sangria (I do have the best recipe) and lively conversation, we barely noticed.

The talk is always of books, of course, but as the time drew near, we took a moment to reflect in the lives we lead, and how we are choosing to lead these lives.

We passed the candle around the circle for reflecting, I shared my favorite Solstice chant, and then we gave thanks for this world of beauty.

When dinner was over and the dessert plates were empty the women began to leave one by one gathering their books and thoughts and meander back into the world.

My friend Susan stayed to chat and visit. We sat back out in the garden under the inky sky and shared thoughts on everything, like girls do.

We watched the fireflies light up the night sky, listened to the neighborhood children saying good night to friends, and talked until the candles burned low.

In the morning I received this lovely video from her on email. I want to share it with you are we begin the rites of summer.

As always, thanks for reading, please share the video with all who will watch and give thanks and a prayer for this magical world we live in.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Interview from the top of the Castle!

Click here for my interview from on top of the castle!

I was invited to be in a movie which was filmed last Saturday at a lovely castle on a nearby lake. It was a really fun day and I loved, it even if my part was small. My editor from the Herald-Republican, Mike, came to watch and did a short interview with me from the top of the castle. It is actually on the Fort Wayne TV site as well as YouTube, but I can't find it, so this is the best I can do.

Take in mind it was very windy and it was just a bit of chatting, no script. This week's column will feature the story behind the filming. As always, thanks for reading/watching!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ray Bradbury and "Dandelion Wine"

Dear Friends,

I have been thinking about the death of Rad Bradbury for a week now. He was such an amazing writer, thinker, and brought us all to a place we may not have gone.

Didn't we all read Fahrenheit 451 in college or even in high school?

I was not introduced to his book "Dandelion Wine" until I was a beginning storyteller. I attended the Hoosier Storytelling Festival, maybe 25 years ago?, and wanted to hear Carol Birch tells stories and speak on this wonderful new adventure that I thought might be mine someday. There were no seats left, but I bought a ticket anyway from Ellen Munds and sat on the floor at the feet of Carol.

She told pieces out of Bradybury's "Dandelion Wine" and I sat there weeping on the floor. The story was so rich, so unexpected.

Over the years I have owned many copies of the book, but ultimately gave them away to folks who do not own them. I wanted to take a photo of the book, but nonetheless, my bookshelves are void of this book, once again.

Word went out in my small town last week that I needed a bottle of homemade dandelion wine. A friend of mine rode up on his motorcycle on Saturday evening with his offering of homemade wine. Whereas it is not dandelion wine (it is actually a combination of pear, mango and apple), I was thrilled as you can imagine.

So, Ray, here's to you, a bottle of almost dandelion wine sitting in the summer sun on my front porch.

Enjoy the ride, wherever you are. We shall do the same.

Lou Ann

Monday, June 11, 2012

Art Out My Window..

Dear Friends,

Although this is not art out my own is definitely art out the window of the spacecraft circling the  earth. The beauty is enhanced by the orange lights of cities and town, lightning storms, the Aurora Borealis as well as the coming of dawn which is every 90 seconds.

I think looking at a video like this puts us all in a place of not just awe, but in a place of reverence about the world we live in, the brief candle of our life, and the beauty that exceeds even our wildest imaginations.

Please watch from beginning to end and then just contemplate your own life for a few moments.

I believe our purpose is to give and receive joy in this life of ours. Do that today. As always, thanks for reading, receiving and sharing.

This is brought to us from the ISS (International Space Station.)

With much love,
Lou Ann

Sunday, June 10, 2012

This week's column...enjoy!

Click here for this week's column!

This week's column is a circle of stories including the transit of Venus, the death of Ray Bradbury, and the Nookd story, of course.

As always, thank you for reading!

Tomorrow's blog will be a tribute to Ray Bradbury along with my own personal bottle of Dandelion Wine that was delivered by motorcycle to my door last evening!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Day lilies and Emily Dickinson

I took this photo early this morning in my garden, but the accompanying story is the reason for the photo.

Thomas Wentworth Higginson was a Renaissance man during Emily's lifetime. He was a minister, a women's rights activist and had a column in the Atlantic Monthly Journal.

Emily wrote to him periodically trying to get him to publish some of her poetry.   Finally he decided to meet with her in person. She greeted him wearing her traditional white dress with a blue shawl. She also carried two day lilies which she handed to Higginson saying, "These are my introduction."

Later that day Higginson wrote to his wife, "I never was with any one who drained my nerve power so much."

Quote taken directly from The Letters of Emily Dickinson, edited by Thomas H. Johnson printed by the Harvard University Press.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Have you been Nookd????

Have you been Nookd???

This appears to be the story of the day in newspapers all the country and with the techies involved in e-readers.

I gave Philip Howard a Nook for his birthday as he had been thinking it would be an easier way for him to read "War and Peace" by Tolstoy.

The Nooks were on sale so we bought one for each other. He was thrilled until he came across the word "kindled" in the story of "War and Peace". It had been replaced by the word Nookd.

Did someone have a great time doing this? Total mistake? Anyway, you can read his blog and check out the story on some news sites today and decide for yourself.

In the meantime, my Nook lives in the bottom drawer of my desk, I just can't make myself use it, I love real books just too much.

I think being Nookd is going to be in future dictionaries! It will also be featured today on NPR Marketplace.

Oh, I hear that the Nooks are now on sale? Could that all be due to Philip Howard?


Monday, June 04, 2012

Art Out my Window...

This is the view out my kitchen window. I took it this morning as I set up my bread baking station before heading out on the road to do what I love most...oh, that is to tell stories! Everyone should have such a lovely view out their kitchen window! Maybe you could send me one of yours and I will post next Monday!

I collect all shapes of blue bottles for my windows and gardens, thanks to a southern custom made known to me by Kathryn Windham! Some of my neighbors have splashes of blue in their gardens as well!

Friday, June 01, 2012

And the rain came....

Like Rain it sounded till it curved by Emily Dickinson
Like Rain it sounded till it curved
And then I new 'twas Wind --
It walked as wet as any Wave
But swept as dry as sand --
When it had pushed itself away
To some remotest Plain
A coming as of Hosts was heard
It filled the Wells, it pleased the Pools
It warbled in the Road --
It pulled the spigot from the Hills
And let the Floods abroad --
It loosened acres, lifted seas
The sites of Centres stirred
Then like Elijah rode away
Upon a Wheel of Cloud.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...