Monday, January 02, 2012

Art out my window...

Driving to Charleston last week, we passed a beautiful Airstream Trailer. It was so reminiscent of my grandparents that I couldn't help but take a photo. My grandpa used to park these at the rallies all the while my grandma collected blue ribbons for her cakes and pies. Many a night I stayed over sleeping in their Airstream. I do not know where these folks are headed, but wish them a safe and wonderful journey.


Anonymous said...

Lou Ann-Don't you have ANY relatives of the non-gypsy variety?

Lou Ann Homan said...

Wow, I never thought of that...I think we are all wanderers. My children, brothers and sisters, my mom...we are scattered like the wind.

Anonymous said...

Ever trace your ancestry? Now that should be ve-ery interesting!