Saturday, June 04, 2011

This is it....

This day is here, one of the happiest days of my life! I can't describe the emotions I have over all of the responses, cards, notes, calls and now the BIGGEST RETIREMENT PARTY EVER. I just came back from Elton and Carolyns' Frank Lloyd Wright house on the prairie. We scrubbed chairs and tables, drank coffee, told stories, set up the food room, the performing stage. All the people I love are coming except Abe and Kristin as they are moving to Arizona today.

This is my graduation, wedding, birthdays all rolled into this day. Thank you all for everything. Oh, how fun Carolyn got balloons from her friend in Australia, and a necklace handmade from her son's girlfriend from Bangladesh.

We are over the top with happiness and excitement. See you all there, thank you everyone for all you have done. (including all my musician friends who are spending the day with us!!) Pictures will follow as well as a film clip. Oh, and I am now on U-tube. Wow, what a day.

Alright, to the garden to pick peonies and then in my new sundress with bangles and beads and let the party begin!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the party was grand! Looking forward to your next post.