Sunday, June 26, 2011

Poetry for our photos...

There were so many photos taken during our week on Ocracoke that I don't know how to involve all the photos...maybe a few at a time. In the meanwhile, I put together this poem to describe our magical week!


Turquoise edges of liquid sea

Splash into the faces of children.

Sun-kissed warm cheeks

Tell flashlight stories as the sun hides behind the sea.

Families pose, fish are caught, dreams are discussed

As we bring our souls to the table.

Pirates whisper under the sea

As we shout on the top of salt and waves.

The glasses are raised, the children sleep

And we lock elbows and hearts to the island’s swaying.

Ahhhh, our family vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lou Ann,

I have read your last posts ... seen some gorgeous family pics and didn't forget you in between although I was so very busy myself ..I love the flow of your words and you succeed in letting them vibrate and inflate and take us along your reading as your heart does in its breathing ... it is good to move on , to look forward in faith and love ( a word that you do not use much but which perspires though all you say !) ... while we live fully the moment whatever our circumstances ... we all know the sun shines bright behind some dark clouds ... I love the white fluffy clouds we have in the bluest skies ... with their hedges filled with golden of silver light ... enjoy preciously all the time being! from my Mediteranean place I send you a hug to reach you there in your Island ...