Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Balloon Launch, 2010

With the anniversary of my Dad's death, came the inspiring hope of love and families. My brothers and sisters, and my mom, live miles apart and had no way of being together on this date. My sweet niece, Brandy, remembered that last year Karen sent a Sky Lantern with me to the memorial service.

Afterwards we went out behind my parent's house in Texas and sent it off to the heavens to Dad. This year, in the mail, we all received a sky lantern with directions to set it off at the same synchronized time on the 26th.

On that day, the Outer Banks (including Ocracoke) experienced a massive storm up and down the eastern sea coast with winds in excess of 30-50 miles per hour. Snow and rain prevailed, but the launch did not.

Last night, with calming winds, we went drove to the Southpoint where the Atlantic meets the Pamlico Sound. The winds were low, the sky was gorgeous and it was here that we sent off the sky lantern. We were able to watch it all the way to the heavens and then slowly dip back down and become part of the sea. Dust to dust, sea to sea.

The sunset was exceptionally beautiful. As we drove back in the darkness with the sea beside us, I told Philip stories of my Dad. He is used to it, I speak of him often when I hear music he loved, or poetry, or beauty.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lou Ann , how warm and rich, sweet and filling is reading your writing, anywhere we are... whatever goes on. It makes me feel happily close to you -although I am in France in "Les Cévènnes" Mountains that have the same formation/age as the Appalachian Mountains .
...simple situations you describe in such awesome truth are similar to those I enjoyed wholly too and still go through, from admiring the skies to the smiles, tears and laughters which talk inside out , people who reach out to our heart or let us reach out to theirs, while we travel this life, the comfort when we stop along the road for coffee and rest , listening to music in the safety of our homy car, thinking of those we love so much ...
I have caught up reading several Fw was very wonderful and expressive made me travel through those Appalachian Mountains which I love so dearly , which call me from afar ; I loved to read about Holly and her generosity , about Biltmore ,the lanterns and the holliest time of weeks, your dad anniversary has touched my heart and I have sympathy for your loss .
This past year, I lost Jeff, Jeffery A. C. a very dear precious one too and know he has celebrated his first Christmas in heaven where he belongs , born to heaven ... Jeff left me the most wonderful memories I have to go on and I follow the unforgettable bliss I knew thanks to him and to his faith and life on earth.
... next trip - by road,in a car - please plan to check if we may meet on the way also make me wish to drive and visit up North where you are .
In the South of France - we managed a complete (large) family gathering , and also a great unexpected adventure happened. Next to our country house there is a real Castle ... and the owner whom we yet didn't know came to introduce himself and his family , they are from England and their whole life is such an interesting special story ... they went all around the world for a year with 3 young children to live with people in Mongolia , in India , in their tribes , to live like them and melt with them ... we all people are so much fundamentally alike deep inside , no matter our social geographical and history ... this is so grreat and amazing and there is so much divine love in experiencing that sharing ...
Thanks again Lou Ann for in being so personal and sincere, open and clear you touch in each of us the deepest cord of our feelings ... micky