Thursday, September 23, 2010

The full moon moonlight...

This day is so marvelous in so many ways...the full moon of September, the Autumnal Equinox, and the beauty that surrounds all of us wherever we live.
I have been anticipating this night for a few weeks when I realized what we were in for and that it has not been seen since 1991.

Jupiter will dance under the moon as well during the nighttime hours.

I had no choice but to leave my French doors off of my bedroom wide open last night and let those moonbeams dance all night across my room.

So, Autumn comes with a train of jewels cascading behind her. We are ready for her in the Midwest for the beauty and coolness she brings.

As for this blogger, so many stories have gone untold the past few weeks. My laptop has been at the shop so very few opportunities to write and post photos, but alas, we are back in business.

A toast to the Queen...Autumn.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The tradition continues...

When my children were young (well, actually all their growing up years), I read to them before they went to bed at night. We started with picture books and then eventually moved to chapter books including poetry at dinner.

We started those years in a small town in Pennsylvania, and eventually moved out to the farm. We spent the first few years in Indiana reading by the light of the kerosene lamps as we were void of electricity. 

Oh the places we roamed with those books. From "The Great Brain" series to the "Little House Books" to "Anne of Green Gables" to Shakespeare.

I think those were the best years of my life reading to my three little boys.

Karen and Aaron live only a block away so once school starts and we get back into a schedule, I like to bike over with a satchel full of books to read them their bedtime stories.

Tonight we explored books by Cynthia Rylant. When it was time for bed, we made a barefoot dash outside to look at the waxing moon and then it was off to bedtime.

I just picked up my books and road my bike back home. What a nice way to end the day.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A celebration of life...

A much needed rain fell from the sky yesterday morning. It was cool and I was tempted to turn on the heat, but am waiting until Halloween for that one.

I didn't wear jeans to the farmer's market, but instead wore dark slacks and a deep purple sweater carrying my old black umbrella. Even with the rain, the folks who run the market were still in good spirits as we filled our bags with tomatoes and beans and the last of the sweet corn and beans. I also purchased honey from my favorite local beekeeper, but kept an eye on the time as I hurried through letting the rain glide off my umbrella.

I put the bags in the car and made my way to the Congregational Church, just a a couple of blocks away in my sweet town. For yesterday was celebration of life for a wonderful woman who has blessed our town for all of her adult life.

Marion Eberhardt was born March 20, 1925 and died this week with her loving husband, Art, by her side.

Marion was one of those folks that I call 'salt.' She and Art met in Petosky, Michigan where she was a biology teacher and he was pursuing his PhD in electrical engineering. They spent their courting days watching sunsets and shooting stars. Art took a teaching job here in Angola at Trine University (then it was Tri-State College) and they immersed themselves in this town.

Marion was a nature lover and taught Art all she knew about the natural world. She was instrumental in preserving Wing Haven and establishing Acres Land Trust here in northern Indiana. She was a camp leader, a Sunday School teacher, a gardener, a singer, a friend, a naturalist all her life.

She leaves woods full of trees that she planted and seeds of nature in all the lives that she touched.

She will be missed in our town, but we are thankful that she and Art blessed us with all those years. Thank you Marion. May you now rest in the nature that you so loved.

If you would like to know more about Acres, please visit this site:
 Acres Land Trust

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Notes from the West Coast...

So, the hurricane came and went, and was actually just a windy night and a few branches down on Ocracoke. Nice that things went so well after all that worry.

As the hurricane approached the Island, I was flying to Portland, Oregon to be with Abe, Kristin and the little girls Holly and Brianna. Holly is three and Briana just turned one.

It was a long flight and I kept thinking about the flight to China...never to do again...

We have all talked non-stop and played as well. I brought a barrage of puppets for the girls, some of my best friends and they love them. Maybe they will remember me after this visit.

Late yesterday afternoon we packed up and went to the Pacific Ocean. We had dinner out, then down to the beautiful rugged coastline of the Pacific Northwest. Abe scrounged around for driftwood for a fire while I dug a hole and lined it with rocks. We had hoped to watch the sunset, but it was cool and misty and the fog rolled in. It was spectacular, just breathless.

Today is the the Farmer's Market and then out to the country for wine tasting.
What a great time we are having.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Hurricane Earl

This is what I know; Philip is among only the few staying. He is hunkered down in his grandfather's house, the one he lives in. This house has  survived hurricanes for 150 years.

It has been an interesting journey this week with this Hurricane. 
So many friends have left for safety including Philip's daughter and her family.

The news isn't good at 4:30 this afternoon, but I will keep you updated as the hurricane progresses.

Godspeed to all in the way of this powerful storm.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...