Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meteor Showers!

Hi Folks,
Welcome back to took a while to find my space and my voice again after my summer on Ocracoke, but I can assure you that I am settled in to my routine of living in my small town in Northern Indiana.

My first article back home is on-line about the Perseid Meteor Showers!

Enjoy! Thanks for being patient while I unpack the sand and store away the summer memories!

Lou Ann


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! We thought you fell off the face of the earth! What'd you do -- WALK from Ocracoke to Angola? Welcome home.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

Awesome description of it all ! I needed to read something like this to help my heart stop bleeding from pain!
Merci Lou Ann... I really wish to copy you with sleeping out on such a night . Micky with love