Saturday, March 15, 2008


I am afraid to say it out I guess I will just whisper the word. Spring. I hope she doesn't see it or hear it on the wind or she (Spring) will leave as quickly as I feel she has arrived.

BUT, I think it to be true. First of all, I was at the University on Thursday evening for the Cinema series and students were wearing shorts and tee-shirts and sandals. Well, it was in the high 40's. Come on, winter has been here long enough. Did you hear that, Winter? Long Enough.

Secondly, I hung out laundry and it dried, it did not freeze. Usually I have to hang it out and bring it back into the house and stand it up on end to thaw. It Dried.

Thirdly, I drove a long way yesterday for shows for Young Audiences. There was no snow, no sleet, no fog, no detriment to man or beast. The day was clear and sunny and the huge snow piles began to shrink as I drove.

So, is she here? (Whisper, whisper)....Please don't say it out loud!

Blossom Themes

Late in the Winter came one day
When there was a whiff on the wind,
a suspicion, a cry not to be heard
of perhaps blossoms, perhaps green
grass and clean hills lifting rolling shoulders
Does the nose get the cry of spring
first of all? is the nose thankful
and thrilled first of all?

Carl Sandburg

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  The Trine University Theatre Company on closing night of The Matchmaker.