Friday, September 30, 2016

Steuben County's Bicentennial Weekend!

So here we are at the Bicentennial weekend. So many folks have worked so hard to make this happen in Steuben County.

To begin there will be a special tour of the square, If Our Town Could Talk. This will be Saturday, October 1 at 10:00. Please meet at City Hall. Following that I will host a Women's Suffragette Rally at the Court House at 11:00. This will be a re-enactment of a 1916 Centennial Rally. Bring your sons and daughters!

Finally the torch relay is on Sunday. It begins at noon at the Trine Rec and goes through Pokagon State Park. I will be picking up the torch at the CCC Shelter where I have told stories to thousands of folks over the years. It was so thoughtful of the organizers to put me there!!

At 2:00 there will be a program on the beach with the mayor and music and lots of other activities. Our county historian, Peg Dilbone, will bring the torch to shore from a seaplane. (Now that you just have to see!)

This is such an honor for me...once in a lifetime! I hope to see you all there!

Happy Birthday Indiana!

Lou Ann

This is the path I will be taking with the torch!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Oh, harvest moon, slide across my dreams

Oh, harvest moon, slide across my dreams: The Harvest Moon slides across the sky leaving dancing shadows around my yard and through my windows. Yes, last night’s moon was the full Harvest Moon because it is the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, which will be this week. The balance of night and day when eggs stand on end. And we are sure to feel some of the balance if we stand out in our yards or gardens or farms. Years ago I read an article that said we should stand on the earth every day! In our rural area, that is indeed easy and true. When I visit larger cities I have to make a conscious effort to get off the pavement and stand in the grass. My friends and acquaintances often wonder what I am doing.

This picture was painted by Tara Rinkle Homan. It depicts the farmhouse as we were still
in the process of building!

Here is the link to this week's column. As always I hope you enjoy it. Just click on the above link or the title.

Last night the harvest moon slid across my beautiful backyard which was full of friends celebrating the Equinox. With a huge potluck spread in the kitchen, we sat by the fire telling stories watching the moon and sharing in the joy of friendship til the wee hours of the morning.

Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoyed this year's Harvest Moon as much as I did.  Lou Ann

Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Birthday, Jonah!

Jonah, after his first 6th grade football game. He was awesome, of course!

Today is Jonah's birthday! He is twelve today, and I just can hardly believe it.
On the night he was born, I received the call in the late evening. I hopped on to my bicycle and rode over to the hospital. I was so honored and privileged to be there when he was born. I was speechless and it was one of the happiest days of my life.

Later on when I directed the Vagina Monologues I took the monologue of I Was in the Room. It is such a beautiful piece and I felt every word of it.

Jonah is my neighbor, my friend, my writing colleague, and my grandson.

He has also had a few traumatic events in his young life, but is strong, happy and resilient.

To this little boy who has won my heart in so many ways for so many days, I wish him the happiest of birthdays and a lifetime of love.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The ticking of the clock brings all sorts of emotions...

The ticking of the clock brings all sorts of emotions: I am 5 years old sitting at my mother’s kitchen table. My ironed and starch crinoline slip itches under my ruffled party dress. My skinny ankles are adorned in lacy socks with shiny black patent leather shoes. The birthday gift is wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. On the wall is the cat clock with a tail that sways back and forth ticking off the seconds … tick … tock … tick … tock. I don’t take my eyes off of it for a moment as I watch it painstakingly move toward five minutes til two. Finally, finally it is time, and I jump down off the chair, pick up my present and walk out the back door to my best friend’s birthday party. This memory of waiting is as clear to me as if it just happened yesterday.

Meet Noah and Faith! They were born Friday night after the column was written.
Waiting for the babies to be born.

I hope you enjoy this column. It was written with great love and thoughtfulness about this waiting process that we all go through. 

As I post this on 9/11 it is good that the world still grieves and yet moves on welcoming babies. Thank you for reading, as always. I am sure you have your own set of "waiting" stories.

Just click on top of this blog or the title to get the KPC site.

As always,
Lou Ann

Thursday, September 08, 2016

An Airbnb Testimonial....thanks, Joe!

The White Picket Fence Experience. Labor Day weekend 2016. Friday September 2.
Who would believe that the best part of a weekend road trip would not be the destinations, or the events, but rather the lodgings? That's what happens, I believe, when anyone stays at Lou Ann's White Picket Fence Garden Home.

This weekend was to be my annual trek to the Auburn auction field for the big extravaganza of classic automobiles. And also for another visit to LouAnn's Picket Fence House, the most delightful place on earth. 

In an unusual twist, I am not driving any of my trusted rides this weekend. But I am driving in familiarity just the same. My old truck, Dolly Dinosaur, whom I sold to my neighbor last year, is up for sale again. So I offered to take Dolly to the big auto event and see if I could get her sold. I even made up a sandwich sign to wear at the auction event.
On the way there, I stopped in Shipshewana for lunch. That's the big Amish town in northern Indiana. They have a restaurant there called the Blue Gate, which is superb. I ordered just a bowl of chicken soup, and the waitress arrived with a heaping plate of pulled chicken, homemade noodles, and broth. I ordered some coffee to go.
When I arrived in Angola, I was pretty tired. There was no one here so I let myself in and went upstairs to take a nap. I was eventually awakened by something happening outside. A noise I couldn't quite identify. I looked out the window and it was LouAnn cutting the grass with a push mower. No wonder I couldn't recognize the sound.

I walked downstairs to give LouAnn a good excuse to park the lawn mower. We talked for awhile and then I headed into town for some dinner. I promised I'd bring her back a burger, ... "Drag it through the garden!".

Being Friday, tonight was campfire night at the White Picket Fence Garden. When I got back from the restaurant in town, the fire was already getting started and one of LouAnn's friends was there. I'm embarrassed to admit I am so bad at remembering names. Later on, another friend arrived and I had the pleasure of being the only guy at the campfire in the company of three fine ladies. The gift of gab descended upon us as the embers glowed, and yes, I quite enjoyed myself.

One of the ladies was having a potluck on Sunday and needed chairs and tables. And lo and behold, I'm driving a pickup truck this weekend. So the magic has already started. After campfire was over, I loaded up Dolly with tables and chairs from various locations and carted them all over to Kathy's house. How's that for being "part of the family"? Life is good.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

September is always a game changer

September is always a game changer: As soon as the calendar turns to September, everything changes. I am always reminded of Ray Bradbury in his lovely book, “Dandelion Wine,” when he refers to the change from summer to fall. We aren’t quite there yet, but the sky is bluer, the windows are open and the crickets sing us to sleep. If we are lucky enough, we might even find a cricket in our kitchen or in our chimney.

This photo is from the Johnny Appleseed Festival. It was taken 
a few years back. Jonah is the little guy in the straw hat!
Here is the link to this week's column. It is a glimpse into the Autumn which is full of festivals and performances, of course! I look forward to seeing you this fall as we meander around Indiana and elsewhere enjoying the beautiful Autumn. 
Just click on the above title or the first line to get to the column. As always, thank you for reading....
Lou Ann 

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...