Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas stories bring traditional warm to the home

Christmas stories bring traditional warm to the home: Tonight, if you are like me, you will be reading to your children or grandchildren, or perhaps to yourself. My own readings will consist of the Bible story of Mary and Joseph, “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” by Dylan Thomas, poetry by Robert Frost and, of course, “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement C. Moore.

I took this photo when Santa came to our town!

Dear Friends,

Above is the link to this week's column. Just click on and there it is. Enjoy! I always appreciate you reading the column. The only difference is that it was Aaron who read to his boys this year, not me. I said it was fine, and I listened with actual tears in my eyes as I passed the tradition down and let him read.

This was an interesting Christmas season for me. I loved every minute, and I enjoyed every minute. I do not think I missed anything from Santa coming to town to concerts to my open house to cookie baking to quiet time in my old house. This is my contented Christmas with life and with myself. 

Merry Christmas to all of you.

May joy find you wherever you are.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

And it's a wrap...

After the last show of the season.   

This has been a wonderful Christmas season for me with lots of stories and performances. I really do love them all. There is so much magic in the oral tradition. Thank you to everyone who hired me...listened to me...cheered me on!

But sometimes the best things are just what happens down the street! Last night was my last show for the year, and I got to tell stories with my musician friend, Gerry Ferrell. We sang and told stories to a lovely audience at Cahoots Cafe down at the end of my street.

Just as I was finishing up Twas the Night Before Christmas Santa and Mrs. Claus appeared as jolly as ever! The children were so delighted. Their eyes lit up Christmas trees!

Oh, the magic of Christmas with children. It never fails to amaze me. 

We all need this magic from time to time. We need to learn from the children around us. Lucky me that I am often surrounded by them.

Happy day to you. May the blessings of this day guide you into the once-again darkness of winter.

Lou Ann

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Happy Solstice!

The early winter morning sky.

Today is the Winter Solstice, and it is probably my favorite day of the year. I love winter...I love the early darkness...and I love the Solstice.

Last Sunday night my old house was full of folks. We started with a potluck and moved on to reading poetry: Tennyson, Frost, Burns, Thomas, Moore, Dickens and others. We lit the Christmas tree and sang O Christmas Tree in German...all the versus. 

We ate more and then played music til the wee hours of the morning. There is nothing more wonderful than a house full of friends and family celebrating the darkness of winter.

I woke at exactly the moment of Solstice this morning, 5:44. I guess I am definitely in tune with this world.

Happy Solstice! As Leonard Cohen said, "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

My Christmas tree with the candles lit. The picture does not give justice to the beauty.

Give this link a try for a beautiful rendition of Silent Night around my Christmas tree.

Happy Solstice.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Reliving an earlier Christmas

 I have a lovely old house.

This is a print of a painting of my old farmhouse. The original was painted by Tara Rinkle Homan. This lovely print was my Christmas gift from Adam and Tara. I love it so much.

Here is the link to this week's column. I was asked yesterday about the inspiration for the column. First of all I dearly love the old stories of my young children and our celebrations. Secondly, I met a young woman at the store this week who had that "deer in the headlights" look. I stopped to talk with her. She was so worried about Christmas with her children because she had so little to give them. I told her this story and other stories about what children really need. They need us, they need time, they need stories and, well, magic. Those qualities I gave to my children.

Enjoy the column. Just click on the top link or the title and it will take you to the KPC site. As always, a thank you to my editor, Mike, who makes me look like a good writer.

Until tomorrow.

Friday, December 09, 2016

Welcoming the Christmas season with quiet time...

Welcoming the Christmas season with quiet time: Before I have time to gather all the pumpkins up for the compost heap, I take advantage of this beautiful day and head out to Powers Church to welcome in the Christmas season. This is my first visit to the church, except for a wedding and an afternoon stroll through the old graveyard.

Dulcimer players entertaining folks as we wander in.

Powers Church on this beautiful afternoon.

Here is the link to last week's column on the Powers Church. It was a wonderful afternoon, and one I hope to repeat many times in the future.

Just click on the site above which will take you to the KPC website. As always, thank you for reading, and enjoy!

Lou Ann

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Christmas Cabin...

This year my lovely old house is on the Christmas Walk. There will be six locations for this walk on December 17th. I am honored to be asked, and hope I can have everything as charming as you would like it to be!

My house has been called the Christmas Cabin. I hope to see you there on this candlelight tour! All proceeds benefit Turning Point Homeless Shelter of Steuben County.

Lou Ann

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Make sure you shop local today and always...

Make sure you shop local today and always: If your house is like mine, it is filled with tins of cookies, tubs of leftover corn casserole and bags (and bags) of ham and turkey. The front hall has shoes tossed to and fro and overnight bags spill out into the hallway.

Santa arriving in Angola last night!

Last night Santa arrived in my hometown! Today is Shop Small Business Day so you know exactly where i will be. We are starting the day at Village Kitchen, shopping the square, and getting our Christmas tree at Booth's Farm.

Just click on the above link for today's story and enjoy. I had fun writing this piece.

See you in out and about!

Lou Ann

Friday, November 25, 2016

Santa's Arrival in my Small Town...

Tonight Santa arrives in Angola. It is always one of my favorite events in my small town. We all gather on the square at 5:30 and wait for his arrival. It doesn't matter what kind of weather we are having. Just a is usually cold and rainy...but who cares? I mean, this is Santa!

When Santa has arrived and we are all assembled, Mayor Hickman will invite the crowd and Santa to count down from ten to zero and then blow on all the lights in town. I know we aren't New York City or Chicago, but oh, what it thrill it is to be surrounded by family and friends to blow on all the lights of Christmas.

This year Santa will receive visitors (usually they are under ten) in our beautifully restored Brokaw Theatre. My job is crowd control outside. What magic do I carry up my sleeves (or my cape for this event)? It will be a marvelous evening. Come on down and see the fun in one of America's favorite small town...Angola, Indiana.

And tomorrow? Tomorrow is Shop Small. Please buy from your your local merchants tomorrow. We will be doing just that!

Happy day after Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

This short trip will linger in my heart forever...

This short trip will linger in my heart forever: The field trip is planned, and I pack the Jeep with clothes and books and my trusty walking stick. With my GPS set out, I head over to pick up Carolyn. She is my traveling partner for this trip. She carries a small traveling bag she places on the back seat and brings a smaller bag up front with us. With a wave to Elten, we begin our road trip to Plymouth.

Chief Menominee

Mark Dvorak, center, with singers!   

 Here is the link to this week's column. It was a great trip to Plymouth, Indiana last weekend, and I wanted you all to come along with us.

As always thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this little journey. Just click on the above site and there it is!

Lou Ann

Friday, November 18, 2016

An evening of ‘Cole’ cast a magic spell

An evening of ‘Cole’ cast a magic spell: Just when I think Indiana’s Bicentennial has slowed down, DeKalb High School comes roaring through with their marvelous show, “Cole.” With a large red circle on Nov. 5 on my calendar, I knew that I would consider it a date! I phoned my friend, Mary, and we made plans!

One of my favorite photos from the evening!

Here is the link to last week's column. Congratulations to DeKalb High School in Auburn, Indiana. It was a lovely, lovely evening. Thank you for all the hard work.

Just click on the above link and there it is!

As always, enjoy and thank you for reading.

Lou Ann

Saturday, November 12, 2016

First Frost...

Last night was our first frost. It comes several weeks later than usual which lead to a beautiful fall garden. I always love the first frost. When I lived on the farm it was a welcome event. It meant the months of gardening and heat were finally over. And since we heated with wood and cooked with wood, we could finally take joy into he coolness of fall.

Since I am a winter person, I always take joy in this frost and the coming of winter. If not for winter, we could not love the summer as we do.

I always recited this poem to my children on the first frost so here it is for you.
Happy frost...go outside and enjoy this beautiful weekend.

“October” By Rose Fyleman:
The summer is over,
The trees are all bare,
There is mist in the garden and frost in the air.
The meadows are empty
And gathered the sheaves-
But isn’t it lovely kicking up leaves!

John from the garden
Has taken the chairs;
It’s dark in the evening
And cold on the stairs.
Winter is coming and everyone grieves-
But isn’t it lovely kicking up leaves!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A day of mourning...

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I set aside for my own day of mourning. I cried all day weeping for my country, my family, my friends, my community...

Most of my friends did the same.

It was a night that I stayed up late, watched in absolute disbelief, and then crawled under the covers with the same clothes on. Actually I wore them all day yesterday, last night and finally showered this morning. 

I will continue to wear black.

I am sure some of you voted for the other candidate. You are still my country, my friends, my family, my community...

I will continue to keep my strong Democratic values. I will continue to open my doors to any and all. I will not lock my doors. I will not own a gun. I will embrace my environmental issues and I will pray to God every night that the morning will come.

A day of mourning. 

Until a brighter day,

Lou Ann

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Women fought long, hard for the right to vote...

Women fought long, hard for the right to vote: Twice this fall I held a 1916 Suffragette rally (keeping with the Bicentennial theme!) on the Public Square of Angola. Yes, I stood on the Square with these words for all women. Enjoy and don’t forget to vote!

This photo was taken at our first rally!

Here is the link to this week's column. I hope you enjoy it! Just click on the above link. And, don't forget to if anyone could forget this year.

Lou Ann

P.S. Thanks to my editor, Mike, for the great editing job!!

Friday, November 04, 2016

A typical day in northern Indiana in Autumn...

Tulip tree in my backyard.

Sometimes I just go outside to sit and breathe (other times I go out to garden and paint the fence!) and this morning was one of those. The sky is so blue, the trees still beautiful, and my town looks like a string of gems.

Tonight will be clear so I will have a campfire with friends and watch the planets compete with the waxing moon for my attention.

I am so reminded of a poem by Robert Frances. A few years ago a friend of mine gave me a much coveted book of his poems. Here is one for your Friday!

Keep me from going to sleep too soon
Or if I go to sleep too soon
Come wake me up. Come any hour
Of night. Come whistling up the road.
Stomp on the porch. Bang on the door.
Make me get out of bed and come
And let you in and light a light.
Tell me the northern lights are on
And make me look. Or tell me clouds
Are doing something to the moon
They never did before, and show me.
See that I see. Talk to me till
I'm half as wide awake as you
And start to dress wondering why
I ever went to bed at all.
Tell me the walking is superb.
Not only tell me but persuade me.
You know I'm not too hard persuaded.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Minstrel Show a trip down musical memory lane

Minstrel Show a trip down musical memory lane: Johnny Cash blares out of my CD player on this crisp fall morning. His tunes carry me out to the garden to hang out sheets and back to the front porch to finally close the windows. Closing the windows is indeed an act of saying a final farewell to summer.

I am waving "Howdeee!" to the audience!!

Whereas the Minstrel Show has come and gone, this is a fun article to read anyway. It was great fun helping out Elten Powers, our fearless leader! I loved working up my Minnie Pearl debut, and think I have a new career on the horizon.

Just click on the above link and there you have it.

Thank you for always taking this journey with me!

Lou Ann

Monday, October 31, 2016

What might you find in that old trunk in your attic?

What might you find in that old trunk in your attic?: I had forgotten all about this story until I was sitting around the campfire listening and telling ghost tales at Trine University. It was a dark evening with a glowing campfire when I suddenly remembered. So for this Halloween weekend I share this story and maybe it will come in handy one day. Just sit back and imagine …

What is in your trunk?

Here is the link to my Halloween column! As always, enjoy, and thank you for reading! Just click on the above link and there is your Halloween story, and it is true, of course!

Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tonight is Poe Night!!

Haunted Hall of Humanities at Trine University  


It is Poe Night once again at Trine University. This is my fifth year of teaching and my fifth year of hosting Poe Night. As most of you know, I am a Poe fanatic, and I also love Halloween.

My students have rehearsed and are all ready for this fun night beginning at 7:00 in Taylor Hall. I hope you can make it. And, if not, host your own Poe Night complete with lights and a raven. You must have a raven!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Indiana painter remembered through the woman who loved him...

Indiana painter remembered through the woman who loved him: With a swirling long dress and a hat perched on top on top of my bed, Ellen and I head into the Tropicana Hotel in Evansville. The lights flash boasting the casino as we leave the parking garage to check in.

Here i am sharing a quiet moment with Daisy,

Here is the link to last week's column. It is sweet and sad because it is the end of the year tour of T.C. Steele. There will still be more shows, but none because of the Bicentennial. It has been quite a year. I was so thrilled to have my photo taken with Daisy. 

Thank you all for traveling with me on this journey. To find the column just click on the above link. As always, thank you for reading.

Lou Ann

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Now there’s 2 more to make the world a better place

Now there’s 2 more to make the world a better place: With my ukulele slung over my shoulder and a book tucked under my arm, I board the aircraft in South Bend. Someone is in my seat because someone is in his seat … and so it goes. It doesn’t really matter to me, I tell the flight attendant, let everyone sit as they will.

Baby Faith

Baby Noah     

Here is the link to last week's column. I spent the week in Phoenix helping out with my two little twin grandchildren...Faith and Noah.

As always, thank you for reading. Until next time...

Lou Ann

Friday, September 30, 2016

Steuben County's Bicentennial Weekend!

So here we are at the Bicentennial weekend. So many folks have worked so hard to make this happen in Steuben County.

To begin there will be a special tour of the square, If Our Town Could Talk. This will be Saturday, October 1 at 10:00. Please meet at City Hall. Following that I will host a Women's Suffragette Rally at the Court House at 11:00. This will be a re-enactment of a 1916 Centennial Rally. Bring your sons and daughters!

Finally the torch relay is on Sunday. It begins at noon at the Trine Rec and goes through Pokagon State Park. I will be picking up the torch at the CCC Shelter where I have told stories to thousands of folks over the years. It was so thoughtful of the organizers to put me there!!

At 2:00 there will be a program on the beach with the mayor and music and lots of other activities. Our county historian, Peg Dilbone, will bring the torch to shore from a seaplane. (Now that you just have to see!)

This is such an honor for me...once in a lifetime! I hope to see you all there!

Happy Birthday Indiana!

Lou Ann

This is the path I will be taking with the torch!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Oh, harvest moon, slide across my dreams

Oh, harvest moon, slide across my dreams: The Harvest Moon slides across the sky leaving dancing shadows around my yard and through my windows. Yes, last night’s moon was the full Harvest Moon because it is the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, which will be this week. The balance of night and day when eggs stand on end. And we are sure to feel some of the balance if we stand out in our yards or gardens or farms. Years ago I read an article that said we should stand on the earth every day! In our rural area, that is indeed easy and true. When I visit larger cities I have to make a conscious effort to get off the pavement and stand in the grass. My friends and acquaintances often wonder what I am doing.

This picture was painted by Tara Rinkle Homan. It depicts the farmhouse as we were still
in the process of building!

Here is the link to this week's column. As always I hope you enjoy it. Just click on the above link or the title.

Last night the harvest moon slid across my beautiful backyard which was full of friends celebrating the Equinox. With a huge potluck spread in the kitchen, we sat by the fire telling stories watching the moon and sharing in the joy of friendship til the wee hours of the morning.

Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoyed this year's Harvest Moon as much as I did.  Lou Ann

Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Birthday, Jonah!

Jonah, after his first 6th grade football game. He was awesome, of course!

Today is Jonah's birthday! He is twelve today, and I just can hardly believe it.
On the night he was born, I received the call in the late evening. I hopped on to my bicycle and rode over to the hospital. I was so honored and privileged to be there when he was born. I was speechless and it was one of the happiest days of my life.

Later on when I directed the Vagina Monologues I took the monologue of I Was in the Room. It is such a beautiful piece and I felt every word of it.

Jonah is my neighbor, my friend, my writing colleague, and my grandson.

He has also had a few traumatic events in his young life, but is strong, happy and resilient.

To this little boy who has won my heart in so many ways for so many days, I wish him the happiest of birthdays and a lifetime of love.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The ticking of the clock brings all sorts of emotions...

The ticking of the clock brings all sorts of emotions: I am 5 years old sitting at my mother’s kitchen table. My ironed and starch crinoline slip itches under my ruffled party dress. My skinny ankles are adorned in lacy socks with shiny black patent leather shoes. The birthday gift is wrapped with a pink satin ribbon. On the wall is the cat clock with a tail that sways back and forth ticking off the seconds … tick … tock … tick … tock. I don’t take my eyes off of it for a moment as I watch it painstakingly move toward five minutes til two. Finally, finally it is time, and I jump down off the chair, pick up my present and walk out the back door to my best friend’s birthday party. This memory of waiting is as clear to me as if it just happened yesterday.

Meet Noah and Faith! They were born Friday night after the column was written.
Waiting for the babies to be born.

I hope you enjoy this column. It was written with great love and thoughtfulness about this waiting process that we all go through. 

As I post this on 9/11 it is good that the world still grieves and yet moves on welcoming babies. Thank you for reading, as always. I am sure you have your own set of "waiting" stories.

Just click on top of this blog or the title to get the KPC site.

As always,
Lou Ann

Thursday, September 08, 2016

An Airbnb Testimonial....thanks, Joe!

The White Picket Fence Experience. Labor Day weekend 2016. Friday September 2.
Who would believe that the best part of a weekend road trip would not be the destinations, or the events, but rather the lodgings? That's what happens, I believe, when anyone stays at Lou Ann's White Picket Fence Garden Home.

This weekend was to be my annual trek to the Auburn auction field for the big extravaganza of classic automobiles. And also for another visit to LouAnn's Picket Fence House, the most delightful place on earth. 

In an unusual twist, I am not driving any of my trusted rides this weekend. But I am driving in familiarity just the same. My old truck, Dolly Dinosaur, whom I sold to my neighbor last year, is up for sale again. So I offered to take Dolly to the big auto event and see if I could get her sold. I even made up a sandwich sign to wear at the auction event.
On the way there, I stopped in Shipshewana for lunch. That's the big Amish town in northern Indiana. They have a restaurant there called the Blue Gate, which is superb. I ordered just a bowl of chicken soup, and the waitress arrived with a heaping plate of pulled chicken, homemade noodles, and broth. I ordered some coffee to go.
When I arrived in Angola, I was pretty tired. There was no one here so I let myself in and went upstairs to take a nap. I was eventually awakened by something happening outside. A noise I couldn't quite identify. I looked out the window and it was LouAnn cutting the grass with a push mower. No wonder I couldn't recognize the sound.

I walked downstairs to give LouAnn a good excuse to park the lawn mower. We talked for awhile and then I headed into town for some dinner. I promised I'd bring her back a burger, ... "Drag it through the garden!".

Being Friday, tonight was campfire night at the White Picket Fence Garden. When I got back from the restaurant in town, the fire was already getting started and one of LouAnn's friends was there. I'm embarrassed to admit I am so bad at remembering names. Later on, another friend arrived and I had the pleasure of being the only guy at the campfire in the company of three fine ladies. The gift of gab descended upon us as the embers glowed, and yes, I quite enjoyed myself.

One of the ladies was having a potluck on Sunday and needed chairs and tables. And lo and behold, I'm driving a pickup truck this weekend. So the magic has already started. After campfire was over, I loaded up Dolly with tables and chairs from various locations and carted them all over to Kathy's house. How's that for being "part of the family"? Life is good.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

September is always a game changer

September is always a game changer: As soon as the calendar turns to September, everything changes. I am always reminded of Ray Bradbury in his lovely book, “Dandelion Wine,” when he refers to the change from summer to fall. We aren’t quite there yet, but the sky is bluer, the windows are open and the crickets sing us to sleep. If we are lucky enough, we might even find a cricket in our kitchen or in our chimney.

This photo is from the Johnny Appleseed Festival. It was taken 
a few years back. Jonah is the little guy in the straw hat!
Here is the link to this week's column. It is a glimpse into the Autumn which is full of festivals and performances, of course! I look forward to seeing you this fall as we meander around Indiana and elsewhere enjoying the beautiful Autumn. 
Just click on the above title or the first line to get to the column. As always, thank you for reading....
Lou Ann 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Ukulele camp stories last forever

Ukulele camp stories last forever: I toss my ukulele, chord sheets, and gear into the back of Carolyn’s van and off we go to ukulele camp.

Here is the link to last week's column about going to ukulele camp. Carolyn Powers and I had the best time. I hope you enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed the experience. Just click on the title on the above first line. As always, thank you for reading!

Lou Ann 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Go West, grow up with the country...

Go West, grow up with the country: The three of them pull into my driveway and take off their helmets as if they can’t breathe another moment with them on their heads. They shake out their hair, and send Meryl, the spokesperson, to my door as the other two hold up her bicycle. I open it just as she is to ring the bell.

Here are the three bicyclists from left to right: Cat, Meryl, and Pat!

I always love hosting the folks who stop by on their bikes and listen to their stories. These three are traveling from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. Read all about it in this week's column. Just click on the above link! Thank you for reading and, as always, enjoy! 

P.S. If you are traveling across country on your bike or in your car...stop on door is always open.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Step back to Stevenson’s world, circa 1887...

Step back to Stevenson’s world, circa 1887: Saturday morning dawns clear and calm in the Adirondack Mountains. My cousins invite me to join them on a trip to Saranac Lake to the farmers market. I love visiting farmers markets and bragging about my own!

This was the fireplace in the cottage of Robert Louis Stevenson.

These flowers were growing on his porch.

This was his bed!

And, of course, this is Mike!

Here is the link to this week's column on visiting the cottage of Robert Louis Stevenson. I love the story of visiting the cottage, but I also love the wrap around story of meeting Mike.

Just click on the above link or the title and there you have it. I hope you enjoy this lovely adventure from last weekend!

Lou Ann

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Because your health is important...

Shape Up Steuben Community Meet Up
Dr. Rudy Kachmann, MD
Sitting Disease is Killing Us, author and national speaker
Potawatomi Inn, Thursday, Aug. 18
11:45-1:00 Jimmerson Lake room at the Inn
This is me practicing ballet!
 On Thursday morning Dr. Rudy Kachmann, MD will be speaking at the Shape Up Steuben Coummunity Meet Up. I am so excited to go to this meeting and here him speak. Years ago when I was just a young mother I had a back surgery. Dr. Kachmann was my surgeon. He was confidant that I would heal quickly and correctly and I did. On the morning after the surgery his nurse, who was a yoga instructor, visited me. She knew I wanted to mend so quickly. I had a farm to take care of, children to take care of, and a teaching job. She said to just get up and walk. And I did.

I am anxious to again to inspired by this man who has given his life to health care, and not just surgeries and prescriptive medicine. Get up and walk.

I will see you on Thursday at Potawatomi Inn at 11:45.

Lou Ann

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Everything is just perfect in the Adirondacks

Everything is just perfect in the Adirondacks: rom my balcony view, the world spreads out in front of me. For this column the world is not that of cornfields and the land that I am grounded in, but that of pines and woods and water and family. This land is St. Regis Lake in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains.

One of the twelve original boats built for St. Regis, The Idem.

                                     Jonah and Uncle Dean. The kids have to ask permission to leave the table at every meal.                                        A hug will get you dismissed quickly!

Family sing-a-long night!

Here is the link to this week's column. Just click on the above title or link. I hope you enjoy it! It has been a wonderful week in the Adirondacks with family. Enjoy!

Monday, August 01, 2016

Yep, I still own the same Jeep, but now I have over 200,00 miles!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I own a Jeep. There, I have said it. Some of you don't know me personally, but now you know the truth. I own a gas, guzzling SUV vehicle. I also protest against drilling oil in Alaska, support the Brady Bill for gun control and will be in the Vagina Monologues.

But, before you close out....just let me explain. I have to own a Jeep, I mean it is part of my storytelling. I have a great license plate that says STORIES...I have bumper stickers that give the world a clue as to who I am.

My Jeep is my house on Laura Ingalls Wilder wagon..the first flight of the Wright Brothers...

I write in my car (not a safe practice!!) in my car (also not a safe practice!) sometimes enjoy other activitie in my Jeep (I'll not even go there!!)...I cry and eat McDonald' burgers in my Jeep (did I say McDonald's, I meant soy burgers from the health food store, really I did!!

I carry microphones, work out clothes, walking shoes, scraper,tapes for the tape player, 8 pair of ice skates (well, you never will know when you run across a lovely patch of ice, meet 7 folks who also need skates)...a cowboy hat (!)...musical instruments..empty and full water bottles, candy wrappers (they were from a hitch hiker I picked up once, and that is the truth)...and a lovly prism that bobbles from my rear view window.

Today my Jeep will turn 100,000. I have had three Jeeps during the past few years...all run 250,000 mles..I think Jeep should be reading this and letting me do their commercials..I am a walking (I mean driving) testimony to their durability.

Besides, I think I look cool in my Jeep. When I work at schools, the kids are all impressed when they carry my stuff out to my Jeep, "is that yours?" they ask in amazement.

"Yes," I say with pride looking at my beginning-to-be-rusted, bumper stickered, covered with Indiana salt Jeep,
"Yes, that baby is all mine!"

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...