Monday, August 04, 2014

And just like that...

Cedar Island Ferry leaving Ocracoke.

When I arrived on Ocracoke on June 4th, it was as if I had so much time of me. It never works like that. Today, August 4th, I am back here at the airport on my way to Indiana.

Days and weeks stretch out in front of us like jewels, and certainly mine did. It was a wonderful summer and my 12th summer with Philip. It was filled with activities, friends, family, and everything that makes life sweet.

I travel home to eight weeks of unopened mail, gardens to weed, stories to tell, and classes to teach. It is how it is least for now.

Just because I leave Ocracoke, does not mean I leave my blog. There are lots of exciting possibilities ahead of me which means we share them together.

To tomorrow I write from northern Indiana where I will settle back into the "other" life. Ocracoke will be missed and so will Philip.

Until tomorrow.

Music and Love

  If you have never played ukulele with 200 ukulele players, then you are really missing out! (At least in my opinion!) This past weekend, C...