Sunday, June 01, 2014

Piping our way into summer!

Last night I invited friends into my garden to celebrate the beginning of summer! (I know the official date is June 21!) It was a long winter for those of us in the north so we decided to celebrate the ending of winter. What better place to celebrate than my garden.

We started the evening with poetry from James Whitcomb Riley, our Indiana poet laureate. My neighbor, Lee, and I read poetry while guests gathered under the maple tree.

A potluck followed and then my surprise for the evening arrived! My friend and buddy, Mark Gropp, came into the garden playing the pipes. It was a great surprise for everyone. Mark played and enjoyed conversation with everyone and then played some more.

Into the deep dusk of the evening, we set off a bright yellow sky lantern as Mark played his last tune. We watched it travel up into the sky following the path of the waxing moon.

It was a wonderful evening with music and merriment and good friends in my garden, of course.

Until tomorrow.

Mark Gropp, piper extraordinaire.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...