Friday, March 08, 2013

My Ocracoke Week

Dear Friends,
Here I am at the end of my week. This year, as you know, I took a teaching job at the college near my house. Whereas I have loved the experience and really enjoy the kids, it has kept me from visiting Ocracoke and Philip.
This week has been a wonderful visit with walks on the beach, pot lucks, and so many other events. We even had a team for the Trivia contest at Gaffer's on Tuesday night. We did not win (actually came in second to last), but we had lots of fun.
I had lots of time to work in my Mad Mag Studio as well. It is a wonderful creative space for writing and rehearsing. If I get the chance, I might put ono a video clip of this wonderful studio.
The winter beauty here is astounding. Is that a good word to use? Each day it is different...different colors, wave patterns, and sound.
I thought you might enjoy these photos from our late evening walk at South Point.
I am so glad you follow my blog, enjoy Ocracoke as much as I do, and other events in life that make us who we are.
I am off tomorrow for the DivaFest in Indianapolis. I am proud to be part of the women's performers to celebrate International Women's Day and month!
If you are in Indy, come on over to the performances this Sunday and next.
As for Ocracoke, I will be back this summer, but stay tuned for all the other adventures.
Lou Ann

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...