Sunday, July 15, 2012

This week's column, arriving on Ocracoke and much more!

Please click here for this week's column! Enjoy.

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was a full day as I settle back into my Ocracoke life. It is as if I snap my fingers and I am an Island girl.

The Mad Mag Studio is all set up and ready for work. It is a lovely work space with twinkle lights and other small lamps and treasures from the sea. It also has all the necessary tools of any writer...laptop, camera, phone, printer, pens, pencils, tablets....

It was our first adventure out in Philip's boat as well and great swimming in Teach's Hole. No, we did not find gold, but had a great time.

We spent the late night hours out at the beach with Bill and Lida looking for the Northern Lights. We did not see the lights, but the stars were magnificent. The constellations were clear and Philip and Lida saw shooting stars as well.

The Milky Way was in clear view last night as well. I guess you could say it was a magical, poetic evening. I was the most reluctant to go home, but there will be other nights.

Today's video features a little scud in the harbor in Philip's boat. Enjoy.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...