Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Ocracoke Lighthouse

Yesterday was my first day to open up the Ocracoke Lighthouse. Last year it was closed for repair, but this year we are once again open to visitors. I am honored to be part of the staff telling stories and regaling tales of shipwrecks and hurricanes as tourists (and locals) stand inside the cool base. The Ocracoke Lighthouse was built in 1823 for $11,359 dollars which also included the Lighthouse keepers cottage. The keeper did more than light the lamps, he was also responsible for the repair and painting of the lighthouse (whitewashed outside walls), the cottage, and the garden and livestock. The job was physically exhausting, but the keeper must have known all his life how important the job was to all the ships that pass in the night.

When there are no visitors in the lighthouse I love singing as the music echoes off the brick walls. I also feel great reverence for those who have come before me and the heroic jobs that were done.

So, if you are on Ocracoke on Wednesday afternoon, stop on in, and I will answer questions and share stories of the Ocracoke Lighthouse.

The above art is by Philip. It is an original watercolor of the lighthouse. This summer he has been painting and selling his art. His small stand is set up next to the clam-filled sandy lane. He also has artwork of Howard Street, the Aleta (the mail boat from long ago), ships and scenes of the sea!

Thanks for checking in on the blog. I appreciate your interest and comments!

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