Saturday, May 07, 2011

Rupert Brooke

I found this lovely old poem in a book given to me by Adam years ago. Inside the cover of the book is inscribed: To Mommy, From Adam, Christmas 1987.
I have loved this book, Stillmeadow Daybook by Gladys Taber all these years. This afternoon through slight sprinkles of dawdling spring, I pulled this book off the shelf. Ahh, sweet spring, taking your time, but patience is a virtue for you and for me.

"All things are written in the mind.
There the sure hills have station;
And the wind blows in that placeless air.
And there the white and golden birds go flying;
And the stars wheel and shine; and the woods are fair."
Rupert Brooke

The photos were taken in my garden as the winter winds are finally giving way to the wedding march of spring.

Edgar Allan Poe Night!!

  Edgar Allan Poe remains a mystery to all of us. There have been so many books and scholarly papers written about Poe, and yet, there are s...