Monday, June 21, 2010

The week in review...

The week has passed in a whirlwind as I packed up my life in Indiana and headed for Texas to be with my mom.

The lists were long every day as I would wake up and add a few more chores. I could never get as much done as possible as friends and neighbors continued to pop in for various reasons.

By 2:00 a.m. on Friday I knew I had it all done and headed to Fort Wayne. Jessie took me to the airport (lifted and carried my bag as well!) and off I went into the heart of Texas.

I found the heat to be quite extreme coming from the lush gardens and sweetness of cool northern Indiana, but continued to walk at night as I always do!

Mom and I have had (and are continuing to have) a wonderful weekend. Some of the time we sorted through dad's things in his library, other times we went out for margaritas and movies!

We have spent the afternoon packing up again as the two of us are going to Ocracoke tomorrow morning. She will be staying a week and there are so many events planned! I know she will have a great time, as will I.

I will post pictures all summer of Ocracoke activities.

So, for now, we made it through Father's Day and we are off for a girlfriend trip to my favorite place.

The above picture was taken at the Whistle Stop Tea Room in Tomball, Texas.

From left to right: me, my niece Kenna, my sister Leslie (Kenna's mom), and my mom. We had a great time visiting, and well, drinking tea! (Iced tea for the summer, by the way.)

Until Ocracoke, happy Solstice.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...