Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thoughts and ramblings for a Tuesday...

The week end was a spilling of the arts...a full day workshop inIndy for my trip to China, two philharmonic shows (one in Indy and one in Fort Wayne), including bringing the little guys to Peter and the Wolf Ballet. Jonah sat spellbound on my lap and decided the ballet was better than Avitar! I took my niece Zoie, who is nine, and ended the afternoon with ice cream at Atzes.

I thought about my dad all week end. He loved the philharmonic and the ballet. His playbills are still overflowing in a box I brought home from Texas. The pieces were lovely and I thought about his joy in the music and question life itself.

The snow has returned to Northern Indiana. Last night the wind made her return debut swirling around this old house. It is good to be part of life, to enjoy all that there is, and yet be conscious of the dark side of this life.

So, today, I teach dance, paper making and a photography class after school. It will be a good day.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...