Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A trip up the Beach...

Yesterday morning I awoke to thunder and rain...it was wonderful as it is so dry here. I hurridly, and I do mean hurridly, took my shower outdoors. We have the most wonderful outside shower, complete with a stained glass window. It actually is artistic in every way. So, I took the shower, not bothering to dry off, as there was no need with the rain pouring down on me. The hot coffee was waiting for me inside the cottage!

We then (Philip and I) made our way up the beach for his dental appointment. It is no easy task to go to the dentist when you live on an island. There are, of course, no dentists here...so we drive to the ferry, board at 9 and am off and driving by 10 o'clock. We travel through the Cape Hattaras National Seashore, small towns and then his Kill Devil Hills and Nags Head...ahhh...finally the home of the dentist! We make the 12 o'clock appointment on time. I meander small shops, develop pictures at CVS...while waiting for Philip.

Since we were off island, we took advantage of seeing a movie, Get Smart. It was a light, fun adventuresome comedy. We headed back home traveling into dark, stormy weather as we boarded the ferry. It was a lovely game of chess...who would win...us or the storm. Luckily we made it off the ferry and home before the storm hit.

We spent the evening playing speed scrabble by candlelight and drinking gin and tonics. All in all..it was a lovely day.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...